Petition to the Government to incorporate one hour of physical education daily

The exercise It is very important for the little ones in the house. Thanks to its practice, many long-term problems can be avoided, such as overweight, obesity and several cardiac deficiencies. Instilling good habits from an early age will make these habits become routines.

At this point the schools are also involved with the practice of these habits through subjects such as Physical education that guarantee a minimum of exercise weekly. An implication that some consider that it could be better and guarantee an hour of these activities in each school day to which the children go.

Obesity in Spain

The people behind this petition expose that obesity is a very serious problem in Spain since this country is the second with more children suffering from this weight problem. Only Greece exceeds the data of this nation and it is predicted that in the year 2050 a 70% of the child population will suffer from this disease.

Faced with this situation and future risks, it is evident that exercise is necessary to avoid these weight problems that in many cases are related to sedentary lifestyle. It is at this point that those responsible for this petition believe that schools can help from Physical Education, a subject that should be extended to every day of the week with one hour for each school day.

In this petition it is also recalled that not only the school is responsible for ensuring exercise every day. Parents should also contribute to improving their children's lifestyle and accompanying children every day, participating in these activities and most importantly, preaching by example. And not only do you have to practice sports, the diet must also be taken into account when preventing obesity and this is where parents must ensure a healthy menu.

Dangers of sedentariness

You have to move and avoid standing still. Reduce the time on the couch to the minimum and stop paying attention to the screens. Is a irony that many young people practice sports in their videoconsoles and not in the street in a real way. The sedentary lifestyle has serious consequences in the smallest ones and these are some of them:

- Dangerous lifestyle. The sedentary lifestyle generates a very dangerous routine for the little ones in which exercise has no place. Something that will make the child get used to not practicing any activity on his own initiative.

- Danger to health. Not practicing exercise has long-term consequences. One of the most serious is the risk of suffering from weight problems such as obesity.

- Reduction of social life. Staying at home without moving is not the best way to make friends. Maybe the child interacts with people in class, but if he does not extend this group beyond school, he may be left alone.

- Risk to the mind. Being so long between four walls is something that exhausts the minds of many people. On the contrary, going out and breathing fresh air is something that makes people clear and reset the system.

Damián Montero

Video: Overcoming an Anxious Mind - Philippians 4:6-7 - Skip Heitzig

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