A proper dinner helps to conciliate and maintain a good sleep

Getting children to have a restful sleep is a must for recharge batteries and face another day with the energy and joy necessary to fulfill everything and enjoy every minute.

However, many children find it hard to fall asleep and once they get it, they wake up or do not rest properly. A Dinner Adequate can help the smallest of the house in achieving this goal.

How dinner should be

The first thing that should be taken into account when dine It is the time when children go to bed. Eating too close to the time when the little ones go to sleep can make digestion difficult to rest. It is always better that after leaving the table, the family stays on the couch talking quietly while digesting food, in addition to that, the bonds between the members of the household will also be tightened.

You will have to choose a right amount of food. An excess in the plate will cause a heavy digestion that will make it very difficult for the child to fall asleep and for him to be able to maintain sleep during the night. However, a scarce menu may mean that the child feels hungry, which also affects their rest. The best thing is always to dine lightly without going too far.

As for the components of menu, it is recommended that there be no heavy foods such as fried ones since these will cause a difficult digestion in the child. A salad, a blue fish, boiled vegetables, a chicken fillet grilled, all are good options. It is also recommendable that the child take the classic glass of milk before sleeping because this product contains elements that favors the child to go into a state of drowsiness. Of course, exciting drinks containing caffeine and added sugars should be avoided as in the case of cola drinks.

Other techniques to sleep well

Not only eating properly, you get a good rest. There are many other means that ensure that the child finds a restful sleep at the time of going to bed. These are some of these techniques:

1. Impose a nighttime routine. Set fixed hours to go to bed, get up and nap sleep and try to fulfill them to the letter, in this way the child's body will adapt and begin to feel sleep as these hours approach.

2. Maintain a temperature constant throughout the night to avoid possible shocks in children.

3. Reduce the Noise level to the minimum. Silence is one of the keys to sleep better, the child should always sleep in quiet and soundproof places of the street noise as much as possible. If the adults stay in the room, they should maintain a level of chat with a low tone of voice.

4. The bed is for sleeping. Not to play or watch television, this must be understood by children.

5. Create a routine with the reading a story before going to sleep, it will help to create a habit that tells the child to sleep. In addition this activity will favor your relaxation by facilitating sleep.

6. A bathroom before going to bed also helps the little ones relax before going to bed, helping them to fall asleep more easily.

Damián Montero

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