1 in 4 women suffer from osteoporosis

The World Health Organization (WHO) recalls that about 3 million people suffer hip fracture every year, of which 200,000 die as a direct result of that trauma. Of these fractures almost a third, is recorded in Latin America and Asia.

Under the motto Strong women make women even stronger the celebration is celebrated World Osteoporosis Day. The goal of the International Osteoporosis Foundation, the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization, aims to raise awareness about the prevention of diagnosis and treatment of the disease in a hundred countries.

Osteoporosis affects women and men

Although osteoporosis is a disease traditionally associated with women and the problems of aging, the truth is that both sexes suffer from it and now medicine considers that preventive care should be started from childhood. Of bone strengthening in childhood, it depends that the risks of osteoporosis in adulthood are reduced by up to 50 percent.

The best way to prevent osteoporosis at all ages is to take care of your diet with a balanced diet rich in calcium. Dairy is the best natural source of this mineral, without forgetting regular active exercise. One of the most recommended exercises or activities to prevent osteoporosis is the body pump.

Osteoporosis, more attention after 50 years

Osteoporosis is a pathology of bone metabolism, which is characterized by the decrease of the mass and the deterioration of the microarchitecture of the bones, which lead to their greater fragility and a consequent increase in the risk of fractures.

It is a silent disease, it usually goes unnoticed by those who suffer it until the moment when a fracture occurs, and special attention must be paid to the state of the bones after 50 years.

This pathology is more frequent in women, although men may also suffer from it, especially if they are of advanced age. Approximately 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men over 50 will experience at least one osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime. In the case of Spain, it is estimated that 2 million women have osteoporosis. In fact, the prevalence in the postmenopausal population is 25 percent, that is, 1 in 4 women have this disease that causes about 25,000 fractures a year.

In the case of women, the decrease in estrogen production from menopause also alters calcium metabolism. WHO estimates that more than 30 percent of postmenopausal women have osteoporosis to varying degrees. Consult the doctor and perform a bone densitometry, which establishes the degree of mineral density of the bones, are key to prevent osteoporosis of each organism.

Causes of osteoporosis

1. Aging, although in its appearance genetic and hereditary factors intervene. Daughters of mothers who have osteoporosis, for example, acquire a lower volume of bone mass than daughters of mothers with normal bones.

2. Malnutrition, poor diet, poor physical exercise and the administration of some drugs they can also favor the appearance of osteoporosis.

3. Menopauseis one of the factors that most influences their development in women, since the disappearance of ovarian function causes an increase in bone resorption.

Fractures caused by osteoporosis

The most common fractures in osteoporosis are those of the proximal femur, humerus, vertebrae and distal forearm (wrist).

- Vertebral fracture.It presents a very intense acute pain that appears when you make slight efforts, such as a moderate load of weight, or a slight traumatism. Contracture prevents maneuvers of flexion and / rotation of the spine. The crisis usually lasts two to three weeks and the pain intensity will gradually decrease in the following three months.

- Hip fracture. They are indicative of osteoporosis when they occur after a low-energy trauma, such as a fall when the person is standing. High-energy fractures, such as those that occur after a traffic accident, are not considered a symptom of osteoporosis.

- Distal forearm fracture.This type of fracture associated with osteoporosis is associated with a low bone mineral density and the presence of a low intensity trauma, such as a fall on the hand.

Types of osteoporosis

There are different types of osteoporosis:

1. Postmenopausal osteoporosis: The main cause is the lack of estrogen. In general, symptoms appear in women 51 to 75 years of age, although they may begin before or after those ages.

2. Senile osteoporosis: result of a calcium deficiency related to age and an imbalance between the rate of degradation and bone regeneration.It usually affects people over 70 years of age and is twice as frequent in women as in men.

3. Secondary osteoporosis: It can be a consequence of certain diseases, such as chronic kidney failure and certain hormonal disorders, or the administration of certain drugs, such as corticosteroids, barbiturates, anticonvulsants and excessive amounts of thyroid hormone.

Treatments to stop osteoporosis

- Drugs. They are currently used to combat osteoporosis. They manage to stop the bone resorption and prevent the loss of the mineral.

- Necessary amounts of calcium and vitamin D. Most of the calcium is obtained with milk and dairy products. The vitamin D content of the food is very low, with the exception of some fatty fish, so the best way to acquire this vitamin is by taking the sun in a prudent way.

- MagnesiumMagnesium supplements prevent the risk of fracture.

- Physical exercise.The product increases bone mass during the growth of children and adolescents and, in addition, can help reduce bone loss in the elderly. It also increases flexibility, coordination and muscle strength, which helps reduce the risk of falls.

Specialists indicate that the exercise should be adapted to the patient's circumstances and recommend a daily walk.

Marisol Nuevo Espín

Video: Getting a Jump on Osteoporosis

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