8 keys to having a healthy back

According to the latest studies, Spanish children and young people have a very frequent back pain. The lack of physical activity, the excess of load in the backpacks, the prolonged maintenance of inadequate postures and the inappropriate practice of competitive sports are factors associated with an increased risk of back pain in those ages.

We only have one back and it is for life. It is not substitutable, so it is very important to keep it healthy and strong, and know how to perform all daily activities without suffering. TheCollege Medical Organization (OMC) and the Kovacs Foundation explain how to prevent back pain among school children.

Preventing back pain since childhood

Experts point out that back pain among teens is much more frequent than previously thought. Between the ages of 13 and 15, 50.9% of boys and 69.3% of girls have suffered before 15 years of age, and the pain has been intense enough to interfere with the daily life of 21 % of them and 30.7% of them.

Dr. Francisco Kovacs, president of the Kovacs Foundation, affirms that "if we want to prevent these conditions, it is necessary to educate at earlier ages about the proper habits for the health of our backs". For his part, Dr. Isacio Seguro, president of the WTO, adds that "it is essential to promote education and prevention policies among Spanish children, in order to try to create healthy habits that prevent future diseases and back pain."

Causes and risk factors of back pain

Among adults, cases in which back pain reflects a general illness represent less than 1%; 4% is due to structural alterations of the spine and the remaining 95% is due to overload or malfunction of the muscles. Among children and adolescents, the percentage of cases due to a general illness is slightly higher, so if a young person complains of back pain, it is worthwhile for a doctor to assess their situation as soon as possible.

However, the vast majority of cases are due to a malfunction of the muscles of the back. "The main risk factor for having an episode of back pain is having one before, that is, the risk of chronification means that the more the episodes go on repeating, the worse the prevention campaigns are focused, for this reason , in those who have not yet suffered and these are the children, my advice would be: stay active, do not stay in bed and do sport, and, of course, lead by example, "says Dr. Kovacs.

On the other hand, recent studies show that there is a genetic component in the alterations of the spine: scoliosis, or genes that have a small influence on the appearance of herniated discs. Genetics are irrelevant in the set of back complaints, and the life we ​​lead is very important. "Summarizing the risk factors we could point to four: do not practice sports (sedentary lifestyle), the excess load of backpacks, incorrect postural habits and inadequate competitive practice", concludes the specialist.

8 keys to maintain a healthy back throughout life

1. Stay physically active and avoid sitting all day, otherwise your muscles will lose strength and increase the risk of back pain.

2. Exercise regularly: Swimming, running or cycling will put you in good physical shape. Gym exercises can also make the muscles of your back powerful, resistant and flexible. Any exercise is better than none.

3. Warm up your muscles before exercising and stretch them when finished. If you compete in a sport, strictly follow the advice of your coach to avoid having back problems. If even if you follow those tips your back hurts, tell your parents.

4. To transport the school material:

- Avoid loading more than 10% of your own weight.

- Use your head instead of your back: iTry to carry as little weight as possible and leave everything you do not need at home (or at the ticket office of the school or institute).

- If you can, use a backpack with wheels and whose handle has an adjustable height.

- If not, use a backpack with wide straps and pass them on both shoulders. Take the backpack as close to the body as possible and relatively low (in the lower back or between the hips, just above the buttocks). Avoid carrying it in your hand as if it were a wallet.

5. Maintain good posture:

When you have to be seated:

- Make it as far back as possible in the chair and keep the backrest straight.

- Keep your back relatively straight and the arms or elbows supported.

- Change your position frequently and try to get up every 45-60 minutes.

- When you study, sit in the way described and if you are going to be sitting for a long time, use a lectern.

- If the school furniture prevents you from sitting correctly, tell your teacher and your parents.

When you use the computer, place the screen in front of your eyes and at the height of your head. You must bring the chair closer to the keyboard as much as possible, so that you do not need to lean forward.

Visit the Web of the Back to see what other positions are appropriate.

6. When lying down, avoid sleeping on your stomach. If you can not sleep otherwise, try to do it on your side. If your back bothers you in bed, tell your parents and use a mattress of intermediate firmness (neither hard nor soft).

7. If your back hurts, tell your parents and consult the doctor without losing time; The sooner the necessary measures are taken, the better.

8. If your back hurts, do not collapse. It is very likely that you do not have anything serious and it's only because your muscles are not working well. Avoid rest, lead a life as normal as possible, follow these tips and the recommendations of your doctor, and stay as active as you can to get them to function properly.

Marisol Nuevo Espín
Advice:Dr. Francisco Kovacs, President of the Kovacs Foundation.Dr. Isacio Seguro, president of the WTO

Video: Beginners Back Exercises for Strengthening your Back Muscles

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