Fascinating animation showing all stages of pregnancy

Week one, week two ... and so on until giving birth. Pregnancy is a precious process week by week in which a living being is formed little by little until creating a beautiful and perfect person in the eyes of his dearest. Today we present you this incredible animation that shows all that process in a single gif.

Although to live this fascinating period of 40 weeks the most advisable thing is that you read this guide that we have prepared so that you inform of everything that happens in your body and the one of the baby during this process, when seeing this stupendous animation we could not avoid sharing it.

From the zygote to the new baby

From the zygote to the new baby is this animation in gif format that a user shared on his Twitter and that shows the whole process from when the ovum leaves the ovary of the woman until it becomes a newborn baby.

Elaborated in spiral form, it is brief but in it the main changes of that small cell that in several weeks will be a perfect being are observed; 44 steps that, in this animation, they can hardly stop looking at each other. Do not miss them!

In them you see those 44 steps quickly and visually, perfect also if you want to take advantage to show your child what is happening in your belly right now... or that of a close relative. He sure loves it too!

From Zygote to a newborn. Amazing! pic.twitter.com/rjm15677p4

- Failed Science (@FailedScience) August 22, 2015

Video: Amazing Animation of a Fetus Growing in the Womb

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