My baby is breech

Is there any way to help the babies who are breech to that they put of head to facilitate the birth? Up to week 33-34 of pregnancy babies have a certain disproportion, that is, the head is bigger than the breast; therefore, they place a larger part, the head, in the larger area of ​​the uterus of the mother, which is the upper or uterine fundus.

Usually, what happens is that when they start to gain more weight, the culete fattens them and as they no longer fit because the area below is narrower, because they begin to turn around until they are on their heads, until reaching the cephalic position, which is the most indicated to be born by natural vaginal delivery.

This is the most common, however in 3-4 percent of cases the children remain seated; And what is the cause? Really, you do not know ... it can influence the type of pelvis that your mother has, where the placenta is placed and there are those who say that the baby decides how he wants to be born.
There are also cases in which the baby turns around at 37-38 weeks or even at the time of delivery.

Tips for your baby to be placed in cephalic position

If what you want is a natural birth, or at least vaginal there are things that can be done to try to "convince" the baby to put on his head.

1. Walk around the house on all fours including getting on and off the couch on all fours as well. If you can put yourself upside down in this way, it would also be fine.

2. Pine in the pool.Yes, yes, as you hear; the gravitational impulse causes the baby "to be encouraged to turn around". In the classes of childbirth preparation that we do in the pool, we always count it when there is a woman with the breech baby.

3. MoxibustionIt is part of traditional Chinese medicine and consists of applying Artemis cigars near specific points. The heat of the cigar is believed to stimulate certain pregnancy hormones and uterine contractions occur, inducing the baby to move. This technique is performed by a specialist in this type of therapy or by a midwife experienced in the subject.
Thereafter, you should do it several times a day for as long as your baby continues breech.

4. External cephalic version.It consists of turning the baby with the hands not before week 37, but this technique can lead to contractions and the delivery begins. It must be performed by an experienced gynecologist and preferably in a hospital, since medication is usually applied to relax the uterine musculature and as side effects of the technique is the detachment of the placenta, so that the baby's heart rate is heard during the process.

What to do when the baby is breech in childbirth

If despite all this the baby is still breech at the time of delivery, there are two options cesarean or vaginal delivery. Currently, almost all women have their breech babies by caesarean section, mainly because most of the professionals do not know how to take breech births. Many years ago this care was stopped because it was decided that a cesarean section was more secure than a birth.

1. Vaginal delivery with the breech baby

However, in 2011 SEGO published a new protocol for breech delivery in which cesarean section is no longer always the first option. Mainly one must take into account the estimated weight of the baby (less than 4 kg) and that the head has flexed (if you are looking up breech birth is not advised). It is also important that you have your bum tightly in your pelvis and that you do not have a knee or foot.

In few hospitals breech births are attended, so if your desire is to raise one you will have to inform yourself well about the gynecologists who assist them, what is their practice and in which hospitals. Do not forget that, in a certain way, it is a birth of risk and should only be treated in hospitals.

2. Cesarean section with the breech baby

If you have opted for a cesarean section, it would be important to spontaneously start labor, to start the contractions ... so that at least the baby has decided which is the moment in which he wants to come into the world. Today, there are hospitals where caesarean sections are respected, the father is allowed to enter the operating room and the skin is skinned with the mother. Ask and find out!

Amanda Rodríguez Sánchez. Matron

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- Is preparation for delivery necessary?

- Childbirth, where to give birth, public hospital or private clinic?

- Birthing breaths

- Cesarean section and subsequent care

- How to avoid unnecessary cesarean section

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Video: Pregnancy - I am 24 weeks and my baby is breech, what should I expect?

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