Games with balls to improve coordination

The ball It is a great invention that has aroused the interest of many people for sport. There are many types of balls and each of them intervenes with absolute prominence in sports as varied as tennis, paddle tennis, ping pong, baseball, golf ... and in ball format in others not less known by millions of followers like basketball, football, rugby or American football, the latter with another format.

In addition, the ball is also an infinite source of health, which goes beyond sports events. For this reason, it is worth starting to familiarize our children, since they are small, with the Ball games, since they develop a very important part of their psychomotricity, specifically of their motor coordination.

Exercises with tennis balls

1. Balance with the ball. With this exercise children develop balance, knowledge of their body and coordination of movements. We put a tennis ball on his head and he will have to hold it in balance, even for a few seconds. If he does not get it, we'll have to drop the ball to some part of the boy's body so he can pick it up in the air, and practically without looking, before he can bounce. If he can keep it in balance and make it fall, better than better.

2. Change hands. A tennis ball is the ideal instrument for this exercise, one of the most complicated due to the degree of coordination required. With the arms extended, in cross, the boy will hold the tennis ball with one hand. At a signal, you must throw it with a light blow of the wrist trying to reach the other hand, drawing a parabola. You will not get it the first time, but we have to help you so that you do not get discouraged.

Visual coordination with a ball

1. Out of the corner of your eye The exercises of visual coordination require more complex processes, but for that reason they are more stimulating and motivating. In this exercise, we will tie a rope to the ball and make it oscillate perpendicular to the boy's gaze. He, without looking directly at her, will have to try to stop her with his hands when he sees her appear.

If we want to complicate the exercise, the faster you swing, the harder it will be to stop it.

2. A special petanque. This game has a lot to do with the game of petanque, but at a more elementary level. We will tell the boy or girl who throws a ball with his hands to a wall or signal, but without reaching it. In this exercise, the calculations that the brain and eyes have to make are very complex.

We can do it as a competition between several brothers or friends. We will have a very fun afternoon.

3. Throw-ins. The technique of this exercise is very similar to that of the throw-in. Standing, with our legs together, we will tell our son to take a ball with both hands and carry it to the back of his head, as if he were going to take off. At a signal you will have to throw it over the head to a certain point, better if it is to another partner.

The more accurate the launch, the better you will have done the exercise. We can give points according to whether or not they approach the objective.

4. I do not see you. We can perform this exercise at home. We will place our son on one side of an open door and a brother on the other side. They have to throw a ball from one side to another, over the door, without seeing each other. They have to have the reflections ready to catch the ball as soon as they see it appear, suddenly, over the door.

If they manage to master this exercise, a variant consists of not catching the ball when it appears but throwing it back in one blow, as if playing "volleyball".

5. Back and crouched. We will place our son and a brother or partner with their backs to each other. In addition, they will have to flex the trunk: as if they were looking under the legs. The position is uncomfortable, but such a strange situation is ideal to stimulate the coordination of our son. They should throw the ball, rolling on the floor, one to another, between the legs.

As they will get tired right away, the exercise should not last long. Any other exercise can be interspersed.

6 .. Throw and clap. This is a fun game for kids. In addition, it is ideal to perform on the street or in the field, because they have to throw the ball up. It consists of seeing who is capable of giving more claps before the ball falls again. The higher we send it, the more time we have, but the harder it is to pick it up.

Maybe we can propose at the beginning to give a single slap, then two, then three, eliminating who does not get it until only the winner is left.

Games with ping-pong balls

1. Drop and collect. For this exercise you need great reflexes and a lot of attention. A good idea may be that we consider it to our son or daughter as a game and as a challenge to make an effort of truth.The boy has to hold a ping-pong ball with his hand and release it (without throwing it), letting it fall. The exercise consists in getting to catch the ball again. Since it does not weigh much, it will not fall quickly, but it will not be too easy for you. And the important thing is that he learns to coordinate movements.

2. Encestar. We can play with two or with only one boy. Someone has to throw a ping-pong ball to the ground to bounce several times. The other boy has to chase the ball with a can (can be canned) to get the ball. If he is only able to throw the ball himself before trying to pick it up. As we do not use the hand to catch it, with the can it will be much more complicated, but it is a very interesting exercise to stimulate visual coordination.

Beatriz Bengoechea

Video: Exercises that improve your child's coordination

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