Conflicts of couple, when the family can help to improve the situation

A conflict between a marriage has effects beyond the couple. Everyone in the family is involved in this situation because in the home there is a bond that unites all those who are present in it. However, the fact that so many people are involved in this sense is a point in favor when solving possible problems in the partner.

The family can mediate in these conflicts and get the situation resolved soon. This is how it stands out from Caritas, an entity that highlights the role of other relatives in helping to solve these problems as they can promote humanization in relationships, promoting the restoration of communication and preventing similar situations in the future. In short, creating an adequate space will generate conditions and opportunities to transform the conflict into a positive change.

What does mediating mean?

The family can not act without explaining what it means mediate. Caritas explains that this role is not something that has emerged today, and that this role of referee in conflicts is something that all relatives have been exercising for many years. As many as the family has been the fundamental pillar in society and being the support of many people.

Family mediation arises in its day appears as a tool with which to find a solution to conflicts and avoid that these can lead to the breakup of the couple and harshly affect the pillars of the home. There is no clear model of arbitrariness and each nucleus will require one role or another, but the common point of all these processes is that dialogue should be encouraged and the tension related to these problems reduced. Avoid that in any case there is a lack of respect between the members of the couple.

If the impulse is allowed above rationality, the members of a couple will end up disrespecting and making it very difficult to reach a point of solution. This is where children, or other relatives such as grandparents, should try to reduce tension and encourage dialogue. However, they should never take sides and try to make one of the parties see that the other is more right as this could intensify the conflict.

Advantages of mediation

From Cáritas several advantages of mediation are suggested. These points are related to the objectives of the same, and that if achieved, they will make life better as a couple and the weather In the home:

- Greater likelihood of reconciliation of the couple and the beginning of a new stage of understanding and stability within the home.

- Introduction of communication and dialogue between the two parties. The mediator puts the couple in touch with their feelings and their real needs, clarifying misunderstandings, decreasing tensions.

- Teaching a new way of approaching problems together, learning about how to do things and face the future in a more positive way, without fear of asking for help from third parties, in this case family members.

- Creation of constructive relations oriented to the future of which not only the members of the couple will benefit, but all at home. For example, children will learn that dialogue is better than conflict.

Damián Montero

Video: How to reduce conflict and build better relationships

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