Personality development in children, how to detect possible problems

Having a child, educating him and making him a good person is a very nice process but not easy at all. There are many points to take into account and numerous aspects that must be addressed in order to solve possible problems in the development of children. Even at the earliest ages you can work to alleviate some of these difficulties.

For this reason, from the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, AEP, some of the problems in the development of the personality of children in preschool. Points to consider in the stage between 3 and 6 years where the children experience very important changes in their way of thinking.

Do you have to worry?

While children may exhibit bad behavior that can put them on alert about a disorder of the personality, we must also remember that they are children. The youngest ones are gaining autonomy, they want to take full advantage of this capacity. Their desire for research can lead to an attitude that is not liked by parents.

Among these most frequent problems in young children the most classic is the opposition to following the rules, for example not wanting to stop playing to take care of tasks. Other common are the excessive fears that prevent a correct socialization and that deserve full attention from parents. What scares the little ones? Is this attitude going to become a permanent terror?

In these cases the specialists recommend to make use of the psychoeducation, try to find out why the child behaves that way and what they can do to help him. In the case of the media, training in adapted relaxation techniques. The learning of social skills must also be introduced to solve the problems derived from terror to move in a group.

The origin of the problems

Nothing better to solve personality problems is to identify possible origins of these personality disorders. From the AEP the following stand out:

- Biological factors. Possible alterations during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as family history of mental illnesses influence the behavior of children. In cases where these precedents exist, we will have to prepare ourselves to identify personality problems and work to solve them.

- Environmental factors. Some children are especially susceptible, and they adapt their personality to changes in their environment such as a new group of friends or the death of a close person.

Damián Montero

Video: Early Recognition Of Child Development Problems / Educational Video

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