Big brother, when his behavior is a bad influence for the younger

The family is a focus of learning, both for good and for bad. Within the home the members of the same, especially the youngest ones, learn different values ​​and ways of behaving that can hold the future of their lives. In the case of brothers, especially at close ages, their relationship is usually quite close so their behaviors end up being very similar.

The figure of the older brother always tends to be a very big focus of influence for the little ones. In fact, as the study published shows Developmental Psychology, it is very possible that some bad behaviors are transferred as a consequence of the fraternal relationship between the children.

Decisive influence

This study took into account the relationship between different brothers born between 1995 and 1998. These children were analyzed throughout a long-term investigation to see how the youngest children behaved in relation to the influence they received from their older siblings. According to those responsible for this work, the fraternal relationship is one of the most common causes in the appearance of dangerous behaviors in children.

If a younger brother sees how the older person consumes alcohol assiduously, he will understand that this is a practice he must perform in order to feel at the level of this relative whom he usually has on a pedestal. The figure of this member of the home It is very important for children who see in this relative a person to imitate to be personally.

Not only the consumption of alcohol is something that is transferred from older brothers to minors. The researchers also found how if the older one performs some criminal activity such as petty theft or habitual quarrels with the parents, the youngest will see in this a behavior that they must follow to be the same as their heroes inside the home.

Importance of education

At this point, specialists recommend that parents take advantage of the great influence that older brothers play for good. That is, to transmit to the first children good values ​​and educate them in an appropriate way to get these to the little ones all these teachings and ensure a good ally in the home with which to create a good atmosphere at home.

These are some of the values ​​that are worth transmitting inside the home:

1. Empathy. The child has to learn to put himself in the place of the other, understand how they think and the emotions they feel. It is a necessary value for coexistence.

2. Humility. The child must know that it is the same as the rest of the children, it is neither better nor worse in any sense. Living with a humble attitude will allow you to know yourself better, assess your strengths and try to alleviate your weaknesses.

3. Self-esteem He must know how to value himself. To enhance your self-esteem, without passing, we can use the praise every time you perform a good action or task.

4. The commitment. It is a value that is acquired over the years. The nuños will demonstrate maturity and responsibility. You must know the importance of the value of promising something or giving your word.

5. Gratitude. It is important and valuable that we recognize our children the things they do well for us.

6. Optimism. It is important that they know how to live day to day with enthusiasm and optimism, always looking for the good side of things despite the blows that life gives them. They must flee from every negative thought.

7. Friendship The children must learn the value of friendship and mutual affection that is born with the contact of other people.

8. The will. All the important things that you want to achieve must be through the will. We must remove the mania to try to achieve the goals to the minimum effort.

9. Happiness We must infect our happiness in order to transmit it to them, for that it is important to live the day with joy, optimism, sense of humor, only those who are happy could transmit happiness.

10. Patience. It will help to control and channel your impulsivity showing a patient and serene activity.

Damián Montero

Video: Snl Digital Short: United Way - SNL

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