Nicotine of electronic cigarettes: danger concealed also for children

There are those who even go to the electronic cigarette to stop smoking, an alternative with which they hope to find an easier way. But beware, this article is not as innocuous as it may seem a priori and involves numerous risks for those who use it. On the one hand this product continues to offer a dose of nicotine to its users making it more difficult for this addiction to end. In addition this element also involves a great risk for the smallest to appear in liquid form, which allows it to be swallowed by children.

Intoxication hazard

Children are curious, that's a fact. Generally, the nicotine contained in electronic cigarettes have colors that can draw the attention of the smallest of the house. This is in addition to the fact that sometimes these products are flavored and emit a odor that can attract children who want to try this article that has such a sweet aroma.

For that reason they 'investigate' the source of this aroma, which has a so striking color. When they see this liquid they drink it without knowing that they are actually taking liquid nicotine. As several pediatricians warn in the magazine Annals of Emergency Medicine, this element in electronic cigarettes has a high concentration, which makes it highly toxic if ingested directly in this state.

These specialists give the example of a 6 year old girl which mixed in the typical glass of the bottles of liquid nicotine syrups with glycerin. Being at home because of an ankle injury, the father thought it was a medicine to treat his pain and allowed his intake. This caused intoxication in the minor that could be saved thanks to the rapid action of the parents. Despite this, this girl required artificial ventilation and hospitalization in intensive care.

Extreme caution

At this point, specialists remind parents of the need to put all eyes on the safety of their children. You have to think that in children there is not the same sense of danger as in parents because they do not understand that there are harmful products for their health, as in these cases the liquid nicotine which they see as something striking and that smells good.

To prevent children from having this appeal, parents should also avoid using the electronic cigarette in front of the little ones. Although socially this article is seen as less harmful than tobacco, it can also be very dangerous. The color and smell What it has can cause the curiosity to lead children to want to investigate and even try it.

Pediatricians also recommend keeping these items in places inaccessible to children. Just as adults ensure that children can not access products toxic As lyes, detergents and other products, the electronic cigarette should also be out of reach of minors to prevent them from being able to engineer them.

Damián Montero

Video: E-Cigarette exposures cause serious poisoning in children

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