What leads a teenager to drink despite knowing the risks

The alcohol It is one of the most harmful products for teenagers. People in this stage of their life are still developing so the consumption of these drinks can cause serious health problems that affect their long-term future. Therefore there is much information about the risks involved in the intake of this type of item.

However all this information does not manage to stop the consumption of alcohol in teenagers Young people continue to drink these products even knowing all the risks, why? What is it that leads these people to act like this despite knowing that in the long run there will be negative consequences? The example given by parents has the explanation

Lead by example

Talking about the consequences of alcohol is one thing and preaching by example is another. It is useless to give long talks about Negative effects that will have the intake of this type of products if then the adolescents see their parents abusing these substances and understanding therefore that this is a behavior without any risk. The first step to instilling healthy habits for children is to become a reference for them.

Since they are small, children should see that their parents follow the same values who preach Avoid large alcohol in front of the smallest and under no circumstances to see these drink these substances is something fun and what to have fun. It must be made clear that only the elderly can use these products and the negative consequences that consumption can have for their organism before their time.

Feeling of rebellion

Another reason that leads a teenager to drink even knowing the risks is the feeling of rebellion experienced at this stage of his life. Face your parents, to the "authority"At home, it's common." This leads them to say no to these rules about alcohol and show their displeasure by ignoring what their "old-fashioned parents" ask of them.

What can parents do

Parents should bet on an education in which to make very clear the risks derived from the consumption of alcohol. Do not simply give a list of risks faced by those who drink these substances, but make sure that this compendium is understood by your child. Make them see that it is something really dangerous and that it can ruin their health.

From small the parents must be very present in the process of maturation of their children, be very present when their doubts arise and as it was said before, to lead by example. Become a support for of the child during his growth and teach him responsibility, ability to make decisions and make the child see that more than an enemy the parent is an experienced help that can give good advice.

Encourage the feeling of responsibility It helps a lot. On the one hand it will be necessary to make clear a series of mandatory rules in case there are outings with friends. In case of infraction, there will be consequences such as refusal to allow to attend another event of these characteristics, on the other hand if the adolescent has been able to assume this "legislation", the parents can answer giving him more confidence.

Damián Montero

Video: Insight Into the Teenage Brain: Adriana Galván at TEDxYouth@Caltech

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