The emotional coefficient of children, does it exist?

Many authors oppose the use of the term "emotional coefficient"(CE) as a synonym of emotional intelligence, because it could lead to the erroneous thinking that there is a precise test to measure it or even that it can be measured in some way." Perhaps the most important distinction between the CI IQ and the EC emotional coefficient is that the CE does not carry such a strong genetic load, which allows parents and educators have much to say to develop a child's chances of success.

In the first place, we parents should consider our way of educating. Perhaps we are more concerned about your grades, the career you are going to pursue and your professional future. But we should contemplate our children with a vision of the future and breadth of mind. Develop your emotional coefficient it is nothing other than to carve them a mature and balanced personality. It is really this intelligence that makes them succeed in life, both private and professional.

The emotional inteligence of the children

To ensure that our children have an adequate emotional intelligence -the union of a well-worked IQ and a harmonious emotional coefficient CE- they need us to believe deeply in them, although now it is difficult for them to read and write, even if they are not the first in the class , although at the moment they are a bit messy ... We have to look at them with deep affection, with hope in them and in their future and be able to tell them, because we are convinced of it.

Any habit costs a lot of effort to acquire and strengthen it and sometimes we do not have all the time we would like to develop those emotional skills in our children. What can we do? Discover that with normal and normal means, with the easiest situations, like a smile, we can help our children, if we do not waste small opportunities.

The Flynn effect

Most of us look for enrichment opportunities for our children, and we assume that making them smarter will make them more likely to succeed. Recent studies indicate that this task has obtained unprecedented results. According to James R. Flynn,CI has increased twenty points since it was measured for the first time at the beginning of the 20th century, a discovery that goes against everything that is known about evolutionary patterns.

Although the precise reasons for this increase (now known as the Flynn effect) are not clear and to some extent can be explained through better neonatal care and greater general health awareness, Flynn notes that at least part of this increase has given as result in certain changes in the way parents are educated. However, and in a paradoxical way, while each generation of children seems to become more intelligent, their emotional and social capacities seem to be decreasing rapidly.

Tips to develop the emotional intelligence coefficient

1. Studies show that children who are optimistic are happierThey are more successful in school and are actually healthier from the physical point of view. The fundamental way in which our children develop an optimistic or pessimistic attitude is by observing and listening to us.

2. Good manners are easy to teach and extremely important for school and social success. A "thank you" or a "please" will help you relate to others.

3. It is necessary to be flexible in many aspects, but not in terms of study habits and work skills. To succeed in school and later at work, children need to learn self-discipline, time management and organizational skills.

4. Children must be encouraged to continue with something they have committed to even when they complain. One of the most important emotional abilities is to overcome frustration and maintain a persistent effort in the face of failure.

5. Children can be taught to look for solutions instead of delaying the problems. This positive way of seeing the world can improve your self-confidence and your ability to relate.

6. A school with a training plan that goes directly to develop all those values ​​that enrich people -constancy, perseverance, self-control, enthusiasm, knowing how to smile, self-control, enthusiasm, knowing how to smile, etc.- is a great help.

Many parents try to overprotect children, preserving them from problems. Actually, this does not seem to be positive. Children who have not learned to cope effectively with setbacks become vulnerable to more serious problems when they grow up. When children learn to solve their own problems, they gain self-confidence and learn important social skills.

Ricardo Regidor
Advisor: Amparo Catret Mascarell. Responsible for areas of coordination, promotion and teacher training Guadalaviar College.

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Video: What is Emotional Intelligence?

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