Born on February 29: a sign of identity

The February 29 it is a capricious day, which we only have every four years, since it appears and disappears from the calendar according to whether or not it is a leap year. However, it is a day that, every four years, exists in the calendars, and many children are born on this special date.

Born on February 29 It implies having a real birthday every 4 years, but it can also involve many more things. There are various rites, beliefs and even superstitions related to those born on February 29, and also theories about their personality type, way of being and characteristics of those known as bisiestas. What is true in others? How does it influence people to have been born on February 29?

On February 29 and the leap years

The leap-year appears to compensate and adjust the gap that exists between the duration of the calendar years and the actual duration of the years. In the calendars, each year lasts 365 days, but this is not real, since the exact duration of each year is 365.25 days. With our calendar each year 0.25 days are lost, and that is why every four years we correct that gap adding one day, on February 29.

Myths associated with February 29

There are many rites and superstitions associated with this date, which extend to the births that occurred on this day.

In popular culture, the leap year is associated with bad luck, so we can find some sayings that reflect this idea: "Leap year sinister year" "Leap year, neither house, nor vineyard, nor orchard, nor port". Some negative historical events occurred, by chance or not, in leap year, such as, the sinking of the Titanic, the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, the conflict between Iran and Iraq, as well as some murders such as Gandhi, Kennedy, Luther King or Lennon, they make the superstitious and popular culture associate the leap year with the evil fario.

Also in antiquity and nowadays appear beliefs and customs associated with the leap year. These are some curiosities:

- Formerly it was believed that those born in leap year had supernatural powers.

- On February 29, it was the only day on which women could ask their boyfriend for marriage, and if he did not accept in return he should give a kiss and a silk nightgown.

- In France there is a newspaper, "La Bougie" that only releases its edition on February 29.

Those born on February 29

Born on February 29 It is very unlikely, it is a single day that occurs every 4 years. However, there are quite a few people who are born on this special date, in Spain there are more than 30,000 and more than 5,000,000 around the world.

How does being born on February 29 influence?

Being born on February 29 is something very special, those born on this date are known as the eternally young, and can only celebrate their real birthday once every four years. They usually choose to celebrate their birthday one day before or one day later and in some cases they only celebrate it every four years.

Scientifically there is no evidence that demonstrates or associates certain personal characteristics to the fact of being born on this date. But some theories explain that people born on this date can develop some specific characteristics. That is, it is not that the fact of being born on February 29 supposes or determines characteristics, but the experiences and experiences that accompany the fact of being born on this date.

Characteristics that appear in those born on February 29

1. They are boys and girls who can only celebrate their birthday every 4 years. This means that they can not normally celebrate their birthday on their date, as other children do. This can generate a frustration that they have to assume, and therefore develop a special strength.

2. They are people feel special Because they are born on a different day, it is a special day and, in some cases, they may also feel rare.

3. Every real birthday is lived as a more specific event. It is the one that happens every four years, since it does not happen every year, it is usually lived by relatives and close people as an even more special event than normal.

4. Elected. From other types of currents, and without scientific evidence, theories are stated that say that those born on February 29 are the chosen ones and are shown as charismatic persons or leaders. From a psychological point of view we can explain this trend, alluding to the fact of feeling special, to the idea of ​​being younger.

There are also different associations of people born on February 29, including the World Leap Year Club, or the Honorary Society of those born in a leap year.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz. Clinical health psychologist. Specialist in pedagogy and child and youth psychology. Director of Educate and Learn Author of the collection Stimulate the reading and writing processes.

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