Take care of your skin: protection against the destruction of the ozone layer

With the destruction of the ozone layer, the natural protection provided by the atmosphere against ultraviolet radiation from the sun, so the health risks have increased. Understanding these risks and taking some precautions can reduce the chances of developing problems related to the sun in the future.

Tips to take care of the skin according to its characteristics

When the good weather approaches, we instinctively think more about our skin and begin to take care of the skin in summer a little more, to properly receive the first sun exposures. But the skin must be taken care of at any age and time of year, varying the type of products that we apply, according to the different types of epidermis.

In fact, it is always advisable to perform the minimum care of hygiene and hydration of the skin. This should be done twice a day in the morning and at night, with cleansers and hydration / specific nutrition, depending on the type of skin and the age at which we are; thus, a greasy skin will need for its hygiene, soap-free foams that clean in depth, since they have a pore usually more dilated, and moisturizing and nourishing at night, of non-greasy excipient, but with adequate active principles.

How to delay the aging of the skin

When talking about Aesthetic Medicine, it is common that there is an immediate identification with the desire to pretend an age that we do not have, or get a more favorable image. But really, this field of medicine is a very useful instrument in the service of the health of our skin.

Currently, there are many dermocosmetic advances that help us to delay the processes of cellular oxidation and, therefore, skin aging. It is about that the aesthetic medical advice serves to give to our skin the basic and specific cares according to the age and types of skin. For this, when buying products for skin care of the face and neck, we must demand that they have the active ingredients that specifically serve the problem we want to treat. This is the reason why it is good to have basic knowledge of dermocosmetics and a personalized and accurate diagnosis of the state of our skin and its needs. It is not the same to treat dehydrated hands, a complexion with spots, skin in pregnancy, or more specific problems of facial photoaging.

Day and night cleaning: the secret of beautiful skin

A good skin care is based mainly on a basic hygiene, different from body level than facial and also depending, as always, on the type of skin.

A facial level is essential night and day cleaning, application of day moisturizer, and nutritive-regenerating at night. At the corporal level, neutral gels that do not irritate and a good hydration are advisable.

Thus, when talking about the most appropriate creams, it can be said that the most effective are those that are well indicated for a specific problem. Currently, there are people who think that the only effective product is the soluble collagen, but this is not true because there are many active ingredients, apart from collagen, that produce different effects, such as hyaluronic acid or mimetic peptides, with different functions, among which would be the soluble collagen. It will always depend on each type of skin.

Take care of your skin according to your age

When it comes to taking care of our skin or that of children, we must vary according to the different ages of the skin. A child needs specific care for their skin type, using for their hygiene, neutral soaps and moisturizers of hypoallergenic components. At the age of adolescence the skin begins to be modified by the hormonal changes and the different types of skin are defined, being necessary the daily basic treatment, according to its skin type and solving some problem if it arises, typical of this age, like the of the "acne skin". It is advisable to moisturize the skin with cream-gel textures, which are richer in water than in fat.

1. Skin care in women. The woman goes through different stages in her life, in which the hormonal influence is decisive in the appearance of problems that must be solved. After 20 years, these skin problems usually stabilize, being usually a "golden age" with respect to the skin from 20 years to 35 years, in which you have to start using more specific products for skin regeneration , since from these 30-35 years, depending on the skin type, the elastic fibers begin to diminish and the skin loses elasticity and hydration.

2. Skin care in men. Your skin is also defined hormonally and has a different texture. The adult man makes a daily peel on his skin for shaving and needs creams that provide hydration and anti-irritant effect. The compounds with aloe vera are good because of their great anti-irritant and anti-inflammatory power.

In the sunniest season and in all ages we must use hydration with sun protection and from 30-40 years we must start with the creams of nutritive and regenerative effect, by the beginning of the loss of elastic fibers.

Children in front of the sun

Regarding children, it seems almost impossible for them to take good care of the summer. They get cream once, but it's a second or third odyssey. And less, get them to wear a shirt for those with white skin or polka dots. Although it is heavy, with children we must always be constant and insist on this care, which most parents already know.

Among the tips to protect children from the sun is to apply high factor protection creams and water resistant, especially in children with white skin and in the early days of sun. In these first days is advisable total screen (factor of protection 90) and go decreasing as the child is taking color, but keeping sunscreen no less than 12. You have to be very insistent the first days, applying cream every 2 or 3 hours.

Spain, in terms of scientific level, is at the same level as the most advanced countries in Europe, since there are no borders in terms of knowledge of dermocosmetics and laboratory studies. However, in our country, which in Europe is one of the most sunny days of the year and, therefore, with the most problems associated with photo-aging, there is still no awareness of how harmful the sun can be without the adequate protection.

Vicen Ramón
Advisor: Dr. Mar Mira. Dermatologist

Video: The Ozone Layer No Longer Protects Life, & It's Not B/C You Use Air Conditioning

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