The effects of menopause on the skin

The woman throughout her life goes through different "hormonal" stages that affect both her emotional state and the rest of the body, including the skin, so these stages have a direct influence on female appearance and beauty. One of these stages is menopause, which produces the cessation of ovarian activity causing a decrease in female hormones: estrogen and progesterone.

The influence of female hormones

These two hormones are responsible for shaping the character and feminine aspect, fertility and human reproduction. They influence the metabolism of bones, muscles and skin.

Estrogens, meanwhile, determine the distribution of body fat and control cholesterol At the time of the woman's life between 15 and 45 years, and thanks to the action of estrogen, the levels of cholesterol are usually not elevated, and the risk of atherosclerosis or cardiac infarction is very low.

On the other hand, progesterone stimulates a moderate retention of water and salt by the kidney. Thanks to its action on the brain and the central nervous system, progesterone can also influence the temperature of the body, while stimulating respiration, increasing the frequency of pulmonary ventilation.

How does the decrease in hormones affect the skin?

In the skin, the lack of estrogen causes greater dryness, sagging and appearance of wrinkles. In addition, cutaneous circulation worsens, promoting the appearance of veins and spots.

To counteract these effects, there are a number of techniques that produce quick and effective results.

- To improve hydration: Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and also cell growth factors.
- For flaccidity: Mesotherapy with collagen inductors, tension threads and radiofrequency.
- For the spots: laser or peeling.
- For the first wrinkles: hyaluronic acid or botox.

Dr. Nazaret Romero. Medical director of the center of aesthetic medicine, Clínica Nazaret de Madrid.

You may also like:

- Menopause: how to fight the symptoms

- Menopause: demolishing myths

- How to prevent osteoporosis

- Strong bones: food and basic care

Video: Skin and Hair Changes During Menopause

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