10 tips to reduce abdominal swelling

The feeling of abdominal swelling affects 30 percent of society. Which means that out of every ten people, three suffer from it. The sector of society most affected is that of women, with 1 out of 3 suffering from it. The main causes are poor diet and stress, and the discomfort that this sensation causes us reduces our quality of life.

The rhythm of life of the XXI century has accelerated and the rush does not leave indifferent to our organism. The digestive system reacts to both external stimuli and the lack of balance in the diet. Sometimes, stress is somatized in gastro-intestinal decompensation. The abdominal swelling can be a subjective sensation of the person, but in many occasions it is measurable and quantifiable.

The discomfort that this feeling of abdominal swelling causes us reduces our quality of life and many times we even have to go to medical treatment. In addition, it can be associated with other pathologies such as irritable bowel syndrome. Another factor that can aggravate this uncomfortable feeling is the consumption of certain drugs.

Symptoms of abdominal swelling

Sometimes, we see that we swell and believe that we have gained weight when in reality the cause is the constipation or gas. In addition, in many cases it is accompanied by other pathologies such as irritable bowel. This causes constipation or diarrhea along with the discomfort that this generates.

Usually feel after meals, during the digestion process. And it seems that it relaxes at night, when we rest. Although there are also people who are affected independently of food intake and responds rather to the accumulation of gases.

Keys to attenuate the sensation of abdominal swelling

Eat too fast and more than the recommended amount is one of the main causes of intestinal transit is not fluid and causes constipation.
For people whose main condition is constipation, it is recommended the consumption of foods rich in fiber and the intake of products containing bifidobacteria. Bifidobacteria are a type of probiotic that helps improve intestinal transit. These microorganisms are found in products that contain fermented milk.

Another cause, which may mistakenly seem minor, is the accelerated pace of life of the society in which we live. The body gets used to eating quickly, at inappropriate times (very late dinners, for example). But, in the end it takes its toll. Therefore, it is recommended to educate the person in the acquisition of certain habits to improve their health: maintain a stable meal schedule, dedicate the necessary time and exercise regularly to recover a flat stomach.

10 practical tips to reduce abdominal swelling

1. Consume daily fermented milk with probiotic properties such as bifidobacteria.
2. Choose fruits that are high in protein like apples, strawberries or pears.
3. Increase fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals.
4. Limit refined sugars, like sweets and pastry.
5. Limit fatty foods like butter and sausages.
6. Increase the consumption of water and liquids, limiting drinks with caffeine and those sweetened.
7. Perform physical activity daily (Ex .: walking, going up and down stairs, swimming).
8. Go to the toilet as a daily routine, to promote a regular intestinal activity.
9. Maintain a regular schedule for meals.
10. Try to avoid stress.

Foods rich in fiber

- Vegetables (raw or cooked).
- Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, beans, beans ...
- Fresh fruits (better with skin).
- Dry fruits such as prunes, peaches and figs.
- Integral breakfast cereals
- Bread made of wheat, rye or other whole grains.
- Whole wheat rye and wheat flour.
- Wheat bran.

Queca Rodríguez-Colubi

Video: 10 Easy Ways to Relieve Stomach Bloating

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