Autism in children, what signs should alert parents?

Each child needs specific needs. Knowing the reality of each of them will help parents to apply the right tools to ensure a good quality of life for their children. This issue becomes especially important in cases where there is a disorder such as autism, which affects social relations and the communication of minors.

Knowing how to recognize a case of autism on time, will allow parents to apply correct measures and search Professional Help in order to make the situation easier for the child. To do this, we must look at the attitude of children since they are small, in the evolution and development that have the smallest. These are some points that can arouse alerts in the parents.

Before 12 months

- The child rarely looks at other people

- No sign of anticipation when it is going to be caught

- Presents a lack of interest in simple interactive games such as "Where is the baby?"

- Does not show anxiety for the presence of strangers over 9 months

After 12 months

- Less eye contact than children of your age

- No sign of response to his name

- Does not signal when ordering

- He does not teach objects to his acquaintances

- Your responses are unusual to auditory stimuli

- Presents a lack of interest in simple interactive games such as "Where is the baby?"

- Do not look where others point

- Absence of spontaneous imitation

- No social babbling as if talking with the adult

Between 18-24 months

- He does not point with his finger to claim something he wants

- Has difficulty following the adult's gaze

- Do not look where others point

- Shows a delay in the development of comprehensive or expressive language

- Lack of functional play with toys or presence of repetitive forms of play with objects.

- Does not perform any symbolic games

- Lack of interest and affection for other children or siblings

- It does not usually show the objects that it has

- Does not answer when called

- Does not react, imitate or repeat gestures or actions that others make

- Presents few expressions to share positive affection

- Reduce the amount of words used

After 36 months


- Delay in language or serious deficit in its development

- The child refers to himself as second or third person

- Abnormal intonation

- Does not give answers to your name

- Deficit in non-verbal communication such as not pointing

- Do not smile to share your pleasure or to respond to others

- Reduction in the number of words used

Social alterations:

- Limited imitation, does not perform the same actions you see

- Does not show the objects that he owns to others

- Lack of interest in children of their age

- Lack of empathy for the happiness or sadness of other people

- Does not participate in shared imagination games

- Preference for games and activities alone

- Strange relationships with adults, from an excessive intensity to a striking indifference

- Little social use of the look

Alterations of interests, activities and behaviors:

- They insist on repeating routines and resists changes in unstructured situations

- Shows an unusual attachment to a toy or object that always seeks to carry

- Hypersensitivity to sounds, touch and certain textures

- Unusual response to pain and other sound stimuli

- Strange postural patterns, such as tiptoeing

from 5 years

Alterations of communication:

- Your language development is deficient: mutism, rare or inappropriate intonation, repeat everything you are told, unusual vocabulary for your age or social group

- Limited use of language to communicate and a tendency to speak spontaneously only about specific topics of interest

Social alterations:

- Difficulty joining the game with other children or inappropriate attempts to participate in these activities together

- Limited ability to appreciate cultural norms

- Social stimuli cause confusion or displeasure

- Relationship with inappropriate adults

- Your reactions to the invasion of your personal or mental space is extreme

Limitation of interests, activities and behaviors:

- Does not participate in imaginative or cooperative play.

- Unable to organize in unstructured spaces

- Lack of ability to cope with changes or unstructured situations such as school trips

- Accumulate data on certain topics of interest in a restrictive and stereotyped way

Damián Montero

Video: You Will Be Okay ~ Autism Mom Interview

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