Twins or twins, how to get organized

If your twins or twins have not yet been born, a good prior organization is very advisable. Planning a series of habits and routines from the first day when twins or twins arrive is the key to cope with it in the best possible way. After multiple birth it is necessary to have everything planned, as there will be no more time.

It is very useful to read, learn about multiple pregnancies and their care, the advantages of breastfeeding, or find support networks in various associations to talk with people who have gone through the same experience.

Organize life with two newborns at home

- Establish some habits and routines: schedules, light to sleep, what they can afford, etc.
- It is indispensable to use payrolls so you do not forget who pooped and who did not, to write down the medication, which at the beginning can be quite, and the schedules. Every detail will be important for the subsequent visit to the doctor.
- When the babies have regulated the intakes, It is good to set some schedules and respect them.
- When a baby finishes eating, wake up the other person if he is asleep so that the parents can rest a little between take and take.
- Mark two naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, the rest of the time try to be awake. If, for example, at six in the evening they are sleepy, try to keep them awake until eight o'clock. It is important to educate the sleep times.
- You should never sleep in your arms. Accustom them from the first day to sleep in their cribs. Teach them that the time of the night has started, for example, with a music CD.
- The bath-dinner-sleep routine is fundamental, at the same time and in the same place. It does not matter if it's 8, 9 or 10 at night (the babies do not know about hours), but they do know that after the bath, the bottle or chest comes and then to sleep.
- Distribute the tasks to help each other. For example, the mother can wait for the father to arrive from work to bathe the children together.
- The weekend schedule must be maintained and intensify the help of the father.

Practical details with twins or twins

- Think if you are going to need external help or relatives will lend a hand to you, as well as to plan how you will do when the maternal leave of the mother is over: daycare, caregiver or family.
- It is not necessary to organize practical details, how to calculate the size of the stroller so that it fits in the elevator; or, if you will continue to serve the car, the bedroom you had planned, etc.
- It is also a good time to see how to solve the economic aspects, since the expenses are they multiply and the aids are few.
- Take things with ease and have support, moral overcoat. If the children leave weepers you can take turns sleeping a few hours in a row, or hire a person several days a week to rest some night. You can also lie on the bed and massage the gut to both to reassure them or try to comfort them by talking calmly, caressing them, singing to them. That they feel calm, because they are very sensitive and if they notice that you are nervous, the situation will get worse.

Ana Aznar
Advisor: Madrilenian Association of Multiple Births

Video: The Start Of Organizing The Twins Nursery | Shopping For A Dog | Mommy Me Date Before Babies Come

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