Children who do not like to wash

There are manychildren who do not like to wash. And, although learning to clean your teeth, wash your hands, your face ... are small personal cleansing habits that our little one can learn, many children make these routines a real problem.

It is not so easy to teach our son these toilet habits, since children are often reluctant to comply with them. They scurry at bath time, they wash their teeth in a bad way, it bothers them to wipe their face ... The best way to deal with this situation is to avoid it. That is, trying to prevent the fact that it costs them to do so by creating very well-established hygiene habits since they are very young, thus trying to anticipate the problem presented by thoseChildren who do not like to wash.

Hygiene: how to motivate with games

In these ages, everything new and that impliesfeel older they love it, therefore, it will not be an effort because we will have a motivation that we will not have when they are older. This motivation will provide a positive attitude towards the activity and constant execution.

It will still be easier if it is raised, even at the level ofgame, as a responsibility assigned because you trust them.

In the case that hygiene habits have not been worked since childhood, it will be convenientwork them one by one explaining the importance of them and monitoring their execution. In addition, we must not forget that the hygiene in the child promotes in him great virtues.

Teaches hygiene habits in a fun way

To overcome the reluctance of our son when it comes to grooming, it will be necessary for parents to get involved and have a lot ofpatience: As in many other situations, we can not expect them to do everything right the first time, as it is small and fulllearning.

Children can learn to be clean with some strategies that make them have fun while achieving those good habits:

- Playing to be older. For this, the adult must be a good model because the children imitate what they see at home.

- Playing with dolls to moms and dads. Adults we can guide them to give them to eat properly and then clean, change dirty clothes, diaper ...

- Reading stories directed to work these aspects.

And of course, make cleaning activities afunny moment. For example, when going to bathe, we can let you play with toys for a while, when you brush your teeth, it is good that we buy a special toothpaste for him, with a mild flavor (strawberry, for example) and when wash your hands, we can be present and help the child to rub his hands well and make "a lot of foam".

If we are able to teach them through fun, they will assume these habits with ease. And of course, do not forget congratulate our son Every time he meets these habits, our joy is the best stimulus for him.

Conchita Requero

Advisor: María Campo, director ofKimba Nursery Schools

Video: Bath Song | Cocomelon (ABCkidTV) Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

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