The danger of standing in pregnancy

Everything a woman does during her pregnancy has a negative or positive influence on the development of her baby, so care must be taken in the decisions made on a day-to-day basis. Researchers in Rotterdam have realized how damaging it can be that The future mother spends long hours standing in her work on the growth of the fetus.

The study investigated the growth rate of fetuses of 4,680 mothers from the beginning of pregnancy to delivery. The conditions and demands of the work were evaluated and, especially, to those women whose jobs involved spending a lot of time standing, walking, carrying weight, or having night shifts.

Being many hours at work, without having the opportunity to sit down to rest, increases the risk that the baby can be greatly affected in their growth. At birth, the babies of working mothers with long working hours and who have to spend most of their time standing, have a cranial perimeter a few centimeters smaller than the usual size, which would show that their development is slower.

Working mothers in pregnancy

- 40 hours per week. Pregnant mothers with more than forty hours standing in their jobs are more likely to have their son have a head circumference a centimeter smaller than normal values. In addition, they have a lower weight, compared to children of mothers who work less than 25 hours per week in more comfortable conditions.

- 25- 30 hours per week. Women who work fewer hours have fewer complications during pregnancy, have fewer birth defects in their babies and a reduction in deaths at birth.

Basic rights at work during pregnancy

- Change of tasks. If your work poses a risk to your health or that of the baby, you have the right to be assigned to another task. If there was not, you would be entitled to a temporary suspension of the contract: you would keep your job and your salary in full.

- Leave for maternity. You have the right to 16 weeks, charging 100% of the salary. In the case of multiple birth, two more weeks will be added for each additional child. In the event that your baby remains hospitalized, you would get a maximum of up to 13 more weeks.

- Protection against dismissal. From the beginning of pregnancy, even if you have not communicated it, until 9 months after giving birth, you have special protection and you can not be fired.

Video: Standing Abdominal Exercises During Pregnancy

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