Ten doubts about breast implants

Many women go to the operating room to increase their self-esteem based on the size of their breasts. Some feel dissatisfied, others want to match them, and others re-establish the natural size they had before pregnancy. Despite the large amount of information we have, There are still myths and fears regarding the intervention to increase breast size.

Breast prostheses in pregnancy

Breast prostheses do not cause problems to get pregnant or breastfeed. It is advisable to wait at least 8 months from the surgery to the date in which the woman becomes pregnant for a good healing of the wounds.

Breast prostheses and cancer

All studies have shown so far that implants they do not trigger this type of carcinogenic diseases.

Where to place the implant

The decision on how the implant is to be placed is analyzed from an aesthetic point of view. The surgeon is the one who will decide which is the ideal option according to the characteristics of the patient. If you have a mammary gland capable of generating a total coverage of the prosthesis, it will be implanted behind said gland; On the other hand, if you can not cover the prosthesis, so that it looks more natural, it will be implanted from the breastplate.

Rugged or smooth prostheses

The best option is rough prostheses. They are the most used nowadays since it is proven that they have less possibility of capsular contracture. They can be placed both behind the chest muscle and in front of it. In the case of smooth prostheses, they can only be placed behind the muscle.

How often do you have to change the implants?

Over time, the implants are suffering wear and tear as well as the body in general. Because, It is recommended to change them every 10 or 15 years. Even so, if these implants are in perfect condition and have not undergone any significant change, they can remain without problems without being changed.

Local or general anesthesia

Ideally, perform surgery with anesthetic sedation, where the patient will be asleep under induction. The important thing is to operate in a serious institution, with the appropriate technology and infrastructure and with trained professionals.

If the prosthesis breaks

The prosthesis can break due to a sharp blow, just as a bone in the body can fracture. However, this does not imply a situation of alarm or illness. The manufacture of current prostheses has evolved and are made with stronger external layers and filled with cohesive gels. A replacement of the prosthesis must be programmed without any fear that this situation generates negative consequences in our body.

What is the best way for the prosthesis?

Breast-shaped or anatomical breast implants are used in the case of breast reconstruction, in extremely thin patients or with certain alterations in the muscular anatomy. In the rest of the cases, the ideal is to place round dentures, so that they acquire a natural aspect.

The prosthesis elevate the fallen breasts

It will depend on the woman. There are women who have a degree of breast drop that simply with the placement of the prosthesis can be raised. In other cases, where the fall is greater, a repositioning of the tissues, known as mastopexy or breast lift, will be necessary.

Having breasts closer together

With the intervention, the breasts may be closer together by having more volume when wearing bra. But if we evaluate the breasts without clothes and standing the person, these They will have the same address or axis they had before the surgery.

Noelia de Santiago Monteserín

Video: Dallas woman who went to Mexico for plastic surgery returns on life support

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