The detection of learning problems in children as a solution to school failure

Eurostat data makes it clear, Spain is the second country in the European Union with the highest rate of school failure. Only Malta exceeds the figures of our country in this field. During 2017, within our borders, 18.3% of young people between 18 and 24 years old abandoned their studies prematurely, having completed the first cycle of Secondary Education.

Given this situation, there are many organizations that focus on alleviating these effects and trying to remedy this context. This is the case of the Alisio Foundation and the Dexeus University Hospital, who have launched a program with which they intend to recognize the first symptoms that may cause the school failure and in this way treat them.

Learning difficulties

Among the symptoms that are intended to detect include learning disorders such as dyslexia or dyscalculia; language disorders or other neuropsychological disorders such as Attention Deficit Disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) which, if added to complex socioeconomic situations, dysfunctional families etc. they can damage the growth personl and educational of the child.

"The objective of this project is to help children with complicated cognitive conditions through the identification and shock treatment of the disorder but also to train educators to follow the child's evolution once the project is finished," explains the president of the Alisio Foundation, Pablo Garriga.

This program has already been launched during the course 2017-2018 with a total of 44 students from a Barcelona school. This pilot test has had different phases, the first of which has paid attention to the characteristics of each child and detect possible disorders that result in learning difficulties.

After detecting these problems, parents were informed about the situation of the children and the second phase of this pilot test began. In this part, a group therapy was started for 10 weeks. Pablo Garriga emphasizes that this first test has offered interesting results and could serve to adapt the school itinerary to the needs of children, such as the possibility of performing written exams for students with dyslexia.

Improve school performance

Although disorders such as dyslexia or ADHD can influence school performance, there are many other factors that can also influence this. Here are some tips to prevent the student from failing within his academic life:

1. Inquire and find out the cause of the poor performance. Observing the child and talking with him can help to find the cause of poor performance: difficulty in seeing, problems with a partner, etc.

2. Create a study routine that contributes to habit consolidation.

3. Educate them to develop their responsibility and their capacity for effort. It is important that from a young age they are taught to be responsible and to strive to achieve their goals.

4. Employ positive discipline and an adequate level of demand.

5. Propose goals that are challenging but affordable. If the student sees that he is capable of meeting certain objectives, he will receive motivation to move forward.

6. Teach them different study techniques and choose those that fit their characteristics.

Damián Montero

Video: How to Recognize ADHD Symptoms in Children

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