The benefits of playing abroad to prevent diseases

After a whole week responding to obligations and other tasks, it arrives on Saturday and Sunday. A perfect occasion for children, without forgetting jobs and duties, to enjoy a moment of leisure. The game in this sense is positioned as one of the best options. But, within the entire catalog of activities that lie ahead, what is the best?

There are many things a child can do, from staying at home to going out and enjoying the game in a park or recreation area. In fact, choose the Exterior As a place where enjoying these activities is a better choice than sitting on the couch. This is indicated by one of the studies of the member of the University of Medicine of Graz, Peter Schober, which highlights the greater possibility of developing diseases in the case of sedentary minors.

Evidence sample

In one of his studies, Schober reviewed other publications where the health data of the children population and others where their extracurricular activity was reflected. The intention of the Austrian teacher was to relate the game, and other practices outside the home, with better health and greater prevention of diseases in these ages.

The results showed that children who exercised more had less possibilities of developing diseases. A fact that could be related to the physical activity involved in the game and other activities abroad facilitates the prevention of conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and offers immunity by working the immune system in this environment.

But Schober is going one step further. This expert points out that those children who play abroad show their symptoms before, for example, a bad posture at walking time that can be corrected with the temporary use of orthopedic devices. In the same way, those minors who practice exercise in a sports club tend to be subjected to more tests with which to identify potential health problems and act in a preventive manner.

In the case of the sedentary, it is more difficult to demonstrate these health problems and anticipate them. In addition, Schober emphasizes that these children are more likely to develop long-term depression than those children who go out to play outside the home.

Important lesson

Playing abroad does not only offer the smallest benefits in the field of health. As Skip indicates in his initiative 'Getting dirty is Good', these activities allow the development of experimental learning that is defined as the process by which children identify and interact with the world around them.

Experimental learning can be done through activities such as playing outside. Allowing children to experience the world independently helps them to think for themselves. This fact, in addition, gives them a feeling of achievement and an increase of confidence that can contribute to strengthen the bond parents-child, at the same time allowing the whole family to share the pride of reaching important milestones.

In addition, experimental learning is Within everyone's reach children, whether in the park near home, during vacations or on weekends I walk towards the store where bread is bought.

Damián Montero

Video: Foodborne Diseases: Better Prevention with Better Public Health Information

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