Digital natives, do they really exist?

Since computers came into our lives a new compendium of terms They were also installed in our day to day. RAM memory, graphics card, ADSL ... like others to define people based on the knowledge of these devices and tools. Among them, the definition "digital native"that makes reference to that generation that has been born in full expansion of Internet and computers, and that dominate them with total dexterity.

Usually, parents attend with amazement at the moment their children develop with the new technologies and see how they are able to do things that they do not understand. But, is there really the "digital native"For the authors of the book Digital natives do not exist, Susana Lluna and Javier Pedreira, not because, according to their hypothesis, these new generations do not take full advantage of the new technologies.

Lack of skills of digital orphans

These experts in the digital field explain that the so-called "digital native" does know how to handle new technologies better than previous generations. The problem comes in the skills that are usually presupposed and that he does not have. Young people have focused their learning of internet and electronic devices towards leisure. That is, this sector of the population excels in the management of social networks and other fun applications.

The authors claim that the correct term should be "digital orphans", a definition that alludes to the fact that they have not received the correct training, usually the new generations face new technologies without anyone telling them all their possibilities.This education should start at home, although the main problem is also the ignorance that parents have about this universe.

Internet, beyond social networks

The new generations, just like in any other matter, need a guide so as not to end up making a misuse of these technologies. Young people must learn to make the most of the internet and computers and not keep the use of social networks and other leisure applications. In this sense it is important that parents are trained before their children to transmit the critical spirit necessary to surf the web.

Between the notions what children of today must learn are those of web programming and HTML language. In these times, the profile demanded by more and more companies is that of the person who knows how to manage with ease in the internet and know how to update and move the contents of a web page. For this purpose it may be a good idea to point the child to some basic level computer course.

But the most important thing is to let him know that your mobile and computer is not a toy. It is not something whose purpose is the fun of the user. Before them they have a tool to be able to improve both at an academic and professional level, either by learning new subjects or by managing them to carry out their tasks. Social networks, funny videos and games applications should be in the background.

Damián Montero

Video: Do "Digital Natives" Exist? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios

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