Antisocial behavior, Internet promotes this personality disorder?

The serious offenses and vexations discharged in social networks towards public figures are triggering the alarms of the antisocial behavior. The anonymity offered by new technologies, as opposed to face-to-face, is what encourages some people to make accusations or insults to others.

Internet, anonymity and the limits of social restraint

Does the Internet promote antisocial behavior? For Pilar Conde, psychologist and director of Clínicas Origen "it is not that these serious personality disorders are being fostered by social networks in particular and the use of the Internet in general." We are facing a new way of expression that increases the difficulty in identifying these people Anonymity prevents, on the one hand, detecting the lack of empathy, while, on the other, it offers the opportunity to express our opinion without being able to identify ourselves, or to speak about people we do not know or we are going to cross over, helping the social brake limits not activate ".

Society, in general, and face-to-face personal contact, in particular, have always exercised freindeer, exercising self-control in people, which has led them to reflect before making public what they think. However, now, thanks to the anonymity people with negative feelings, envy, resentment and even hatred are disinhibited by the lack of real contact.

Values ​​learning, personal ethics

Another important fact is that most of these insults, disrespect and harassment come from young people, who have not yet completed their values ​​learning. According to the psychologist Pilar Conde, "in childhood-youth develops, and it is not until the beginning of adulthood when we clearly define the value system that will govern our lives and that favors us to stop being so vulnerable to opinions Our access to technology at an early age means that younger people can express without a filter certain opinions, which perhaps when they are adults would not manifest. "

In these cases, he says, "experience, learning and the environment are fundamental, as are measures aimed at fostering personal ethics."

The first symptoms of antisocial behavior

It usually appears in childhood or in adolescence due to mistaken educational guidelines of parents. It is usually more common in children who live without having any control of their parents, and therefore, with no rules.

It is difficult to diagnose this antisocial behavior when it is gestating, prescisamene because there are some that have already been socially adopted. The clearest example is that of insulting a referee during a game. It is so socially adopted that for some it may be normal behavior, while for others it is not. However, in order to reach a serious clinical picture, there must be ongoing conflicts at school, with friends or at home, since antisocial behavior has a continuity of forms of behavior.

Antisocial behavior and cyberbullying

Thanks to new technologies, harassing a partner is now easier. Distance sets the tone and while before the physical area reduced it, today the road has been paved. It is the origin and the genesis of cyberbullying, a tyranny of power that becomes chronic over time, since it is lived in a system of hostility towards others, that feeds itself, because with the intimidation of others the harasser gets what he wants.

Marisol Nuevo Espín
Advice: Pilar Conde. Psychologist and director of Clínicas Origen

Video: Personality Disorders: Crash Course Psychology #34

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