Cranberries, a natural medicine for the vision of your eyes

Cranberries are rich in anthocyanin flavonoids, pigments that have an antioxidant function that help repair nerve cells in the retina.
During the Second World War, English aviation pilots discovered that their night vision improved if they regularly ate jam.
blueberries, they also found that their eyesight adapted more easily when
it went from very bright areas to darker areas.

Subsequently, numerous studies have been carried out that have demonstrated the
importance that these fruits have in the conservation of sight and in the prevention of
eye diseases.

Cranberries are rich in anthocyanin flavonoids, some pigments that are found
in some fruits of red and blue-purple color, such as ar'ndanos, raspberries,
cherries or plums.

The work of these flavonoids focuses especially on the repair of cells
nerves of the retina, in the increase of blood flow, which contributes
nutrients to the eye; in collagen protection, and in conservation and faster
in the production of rhodopsin, a protein of the retina rods responsible for
capture the light.

Dr. Román Rodriguez Barriguete. General Physician and Physician of the Work of FCC

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