Kiss disease in adolescents or mononucleosis

"Yellow and dark circles, do not ask him what he has that he really wants". The popular proverb is very wise, but sometimes, this laziness manifested by adolescents may be caused by a viral infection known as mononucleosis or "kissing disease".

The disease of kiss or mononucleosis is caused by the presence of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which is transmitted by saliva. It receives different names: "monkey", mononucleosis or "kissing disease". Mainly affects adolescents and young people, although we can suffer at any stage of our lives. The real incidence on the population is unknown, since studies show that most of us have suffered at some point in our lives. The reason for its difficult diagnosis is simply that its symptoms are often confused with other common diseases.

The kissing disease is also spread by cough

The virus of mononucleosis It remains alive in the saliva for quite some time, which is why the stage of adolescence, where there is greater contact between young people, is the one with the highest incidence. Likewise, it can also be transmitted through the cough and sneezes of people infected, so at no stage are we exempt from contracting it.

Frequently, the possibility of transmission of mononucleosis causes concern to both parents and young people. In fact, if there are no complications, apart from the annoying symptoms, it is a disease from which patients recover fully and leaves no sequelae.

In adolescents after infection, the period of incubation of the virus It can be quick or take up to 30 or 50 days in presenting the symptoms, since it is a disease that occurs differently in each patient.

The main fatigue symptom of mononucleosis

The exhausted It is one of the first symptoms associated with the disease. Later, other discomforts may develop such as fever, sore throat, inflammation of the lymph nodes of the neck and armpit, muscle pain, weakness and loss of appetite.

Dr. Vázquez explains that "it is very characteristic intense smell on the breath that causes the disease ", due to the spectacular throat inflammation that the patient suffers, so sometimes it is when entering the clinic when the doctor begins to suspect its existence.

Being a virus that attacks the immune system of the patient, causes inflammation of the liver and spleen.

It is then when the spleen leaves the rib cage and the membrane that covers it is stressed, which makes it more vulnerable to break. For this reason, the recommendation of the specialists is rest and not practice sports for at least one month.

For your diagnosis, the doctor usually recommends a culture of the throat to rule out a possible infection and a blood sample, which determines the existence of the virus in the body. Mononucleosis can cause certain physical limitations, but usually its symptoms improve between two and four weeks.

Treatment of kissing disease or mononucleosis

As we have mentioned before, since it is a disease caused by a virus, it does not have antibiotic treatment. Only when the infection is very important, the reaction caused by the body itself may need antibiotic-based medication. This would be the case of a extreme throat inflammation, that prevents the patient from breathing and, therefore, would require corticosteroids to stop it. That is to say, being a viral disease antibiotics do not help, unless the patient has a secondary infection.

The doctor can prescribe ibuprofen or paracetamol to improve the symptoms caused by the infection (fever or muscle aches), but never to directly treat the kissing disease.

Although kissing is more associated with adolescents and young people, it can also be suffered by children and adults. In the latter, the symptoms tend to be stronger, because their immune system is not as strong as that of adolescents, but there are also cases in which it passes without noticing the disease.

Frequently asked questions about kissing disease or mononucleosis

How long do I have to rest? At the beginning, you have to rest in bed. Later, when the forces begin to appear again, you have to stay at home relaxed for 2 or 3 weeks.

Can I drink liquids? Having symptoms of common diseases, such as fever, we must act as we would before, such as drinking plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration, or gargle with salt or lemon for the throat.

What medications can I take? No antibiotic, unless prescribed by the doctor.For the symptoms and also on the advice of the specialist, paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin can help (never in children, as it can cause Reye's Syndrome).

At what time should I go to the emergency room? When there is intense pain in the upper left part of the abdomen, it may be due to the rupture of the spleen. If so, you should surgically intervene to remove the spleen.

Should I take any precautionary measures? Once infected, you should not share cutlery, glasses or plates. Put on a mask or cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Do not kiss the sick person, even if he is a small child and we feel sorry for him.

Does everyone recover with the same ease? No. Each patient has the disease in a specific way. Children and young people usually recover more quickly. Adults often complain that it takes years to "get back to what they were."

Can I drink alcohol? It is essential not to drink any alcohol, not even a glass of wine at meals, until it is fully recovered. When the liver is affected, alcohol will cause us to lose all our strength once it is ingested.

Dolores Cabello Shoes
Advice: Dr. Luís Alberto Vázquez. Pediatrician of Primary Care. Mirasierra Health Center. Madrid.

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