5 essential foods to protect from the sun

To protect yourself from the sun's rays, it is not enough to do it only on the outside with creams, we must also take care of ourselves inside. And we will achieve it in a simple way with a good diet, choosing the right ingredients so that the skin stays healthy and strong this summer. We tell you the 5 essential foods to protect yourself from the sun this summer.

Our country, despite being one of the most privileged in terms of sunlight, is one of the worst protected. A vital factor to protect us are vitamins A, B and C. Add foods rich in antioxidants will also help protect us from the sun inside.

Change our habits when we enjoy the sun: new routines of work, food ... You should not assume neglecting them. Eating out in summer is usually recurrent but we should not go over. And a balanced diet in which we introduce some foods with nutritional values ​​that improve our defense against the sun will be our great ally.

5 foods that will help us protect ourselves from the sun

1. Olive oil: It is the basis of the Mediterranean diet and is the perfect ally to protect us from the sun this summer. Its content in unsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 function as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory so it prevents skin problems and redness, keeping it hydrated and ready for sun exposure.

2. Salmon as a sunscreen: Like olive oil, fish is rich in unsaturated fatty oils and in particular salmon is rich in omega-3, which makes it a natural body lotion helping solar burners and functioning as an anti-age keeping the skin elastic even after a sunbath.

3. Dairy products of all kinds: Just as coconut milk is very associated with tanning, dairy consumption takes care of the skin from the inside preparing it for the sun, thanks to the large amount of vitamins of all the types it contains: vitamin A to promote the renewal of the skin and vitamin B to keep the metabolism in perfect condition during the summer. In addition, if we opt for lactose-free dairy we favor digestion.

4. Spices: In addition to being a perfect complement when creating a dish with personality, they have numerous properties, one of them UVA antirayos. Special mention has turmeric, which has a high anti-inflammatory and protects against damage from sunlight. Paprika and cilantro provide vitamins A and C. And as leaders in antioxidant content include thyme and oregano.

5. Betting on the red: Within the category of vegetables we find the red pepper and the tomatoes as perfect allies against the attacks of the solar rays in summer. Vitamin C is the key in all foods, helps skin recovery and prevents inflammation after exposure. Betting also for tomatoes on a daily basis thanks to its protective power, will help us to take a diet that makes us less vulnerable to sunlight.

María Rojas Sanabria

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