The midwives claim that they are much more

If you have had a child, you will have known the figure of The matron: Yes, it is that woman who accompanies you during the months of pregnancy and is at your side in childbirth and after him, right? Well, no, Being a midwife is much more than that, and this has been remembered by the more than 800 midwives who have gathered in Madrid this weekend.

Under the motto "Being a midwife is much more" With this appointment, the II Congress of the Association of Midwives of Madrid and the XIV of the Federation of Associations of Midwives of Spain (Fame), has tried to treat "what it means in the 21st century our profession, taking into account the changes social, economic and cultural "have explained the organizers of the event, while they have made one thing clear: that they are" a fundamental professional group to maintain and improve the sexual and reproductive health of the population. "

The role of the midwife in the life of women

The midwife is a nurse who has specialized in women, and that accompanies her in all the stages of her life since she has her first rule: that is, she is not only for pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, but her role is very useful and necessary in many other stages, from adolescence until menopause.

"We live in complex moments that require more and more of a broad vision of what it means to cover the needs of the population", reflect the midwives, who call the update, to share experiences and innovate to improve as professionals and, in this way, "the population feels satisfied with the care we provide".

Precisely above all these professionals reflected during the congress that took place on May 28, 29 and 30 and that has had as its objective "to provide the midwives with different visions of our care work" and, also, Claim your role in Health.

"Women and the population in general demand more and more power to participate in decision-making related to their sexual and reproductive health," say the organizers of the event, who recall that midwives "are close to these demands", taking into account , your own.

More skills for midwives

Midwives want to "leave the parlor" and show that their work goes much further. For this reason, also within the framework of this meeting, they have demanded that administrations recognize their functions and its presence extends to the entire health system, Nowadays there are few professionals: the average of Spain is 30 midwives for every 100,000 women, while in Europe it is 69 for every 100,000. Also, within Spain there are important differences: Balearics account for 36 specialists for every 100,000 women, but in Madrid the figure is only 24.

"We need to be more because we are also the professional who is best prepared to accompany the woman throughout her life cycle, from adolescence to the climacteric ", say from the Madrid Association, who complain that currently their skills seem limited to the delivery room, but they want to be in all stages of women, a job for which they are fully trained and prepared.

The prevention of gynecological cancer, cytologies, the first rule, menopause ... all these stages of the woman are likely to be accompanied by experts prepared to help us: midwives. "We are prepared, we have the knowledge to accompany women throughout their lives", they claim.

Angela R. Bonachera

It may interest you

- Delivery in the company of a midwife

- Postpartum: the first revision with the midwife

- Trust your midwife

Video: The culture war between doctors and midwives, explained

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