Stimulation for babies in the crib

With the stimulation exercises for babies in the crib your baby will be able to know the reality that surrounds him. Voices and sounds for your auditory stimulation, mobile for your visual stimulation, dolls for your tactile stimulation ... so little by little you will discover the world of stimulation for babies in the cradle. From birth, the baby must learn to be quiet in his crib, without feeling abandoned.

There is a popular belief that babies who get used to arms do not want to be left alone in the crib, but this is not the case. The baby needs to feel the mother, the father, and needs physical contact.

Exercises to stimulate your baby in the crib

How much your baby can learn lying in his crib! Maybe your baby is one of those who starts crying when you lie in his crib. It seems he does not want to let you rest and he wants to be in your arms all day! You must take him a lot, shove him, but he must also learn to stay in his cradle for some time. To do this, teach him to enjoy the world around him with stimulation exercises that help him awaken his senses.

There are a lot of stimuli that the baby can experience from his crib to develop all his senses. Turn your baby's crib into your ally.

FIND VOICES OF MOM AND POPE. From birth, the baby's auditory sense is highly developed and can perfectly recognize the voice of mom and also of dad. To stimulate your language, it is important that you talk to him, the more the better. Repeat your name and identify yourself by saying "I'm a mom", "I'm a dad". The tone and melody you use is essential. The child is more sensitive to high-pitched sounds than to low-pitched ones. From her crib, the baby can locate the sound source and try to turn her face towards her.

CUT IT A NICE SONG OF CRIB. The word is recorded in the left hemisphere, which is responsible for language, writing and logic. On the other hand, the melody does it in the right hemisphere, where the artistic part develops. If throughout the day you combine the words with the songs that you sing, you will be favoring the development of the two cerebral hemispheres, to achieve a good balance between them and you will enhance their intelligence.

MUSIC IN HIS CITY. Record tapes with the voices of dad, mom or a little brother and also, put ribbons with melodic music, preferably baroque. This will help you calm down, fall asleep and feel accompanied. You can also record your babbling, rattles, laughter or heartbeat. Place the appliance near the crib at a volume of about 50 decibels.

AN IMPREGNATED GASA WITH YOUR ODOR. To develop your olfactory sensitivity, you can place a gauze impregnated with your milk, or your cologne water in the crib. The baby will also try to grab that gauze.

DRAWINGS WITH THE FACES OF THE PARENTS. There are times of the day that your baby is lying in his crib with his eyes open, especially from the first month. We can use them to place drawings or photographs of the parents on both sides of the crib, hanging inside the bars at the height of their face. It will keep you entertained, especially when you are more restless or mom or dad are not at home. It is known that children have well-defined visual preferences and that human faces are their favorite, but of all it is the mother's face that they like the most.

HOLD AND MAKE IT. The baby needs to be mixed, so you have to hold him often so he feels protected and loved. From the second week we will dose the games of corporal contact so that when arriving at the first month of life, the baby finds pleasure being in his cradle. When you hold it in your arms, and before it closes its eyes, you leave it gently in its cradle so that it knows that this is the place where it must sleep. Once there, rock the cradle a little bit so that it ends up falling asleep.

THE MOBILE OF LIGHTS AND SHADOWS. After two months, when you lie down in the room, so that it is not completely dark, you can put a table phone that projects lights and shadows on the wall and ceiling. If you have sounds that help you relax and fall asleep, the better. So that you do not receive the stimulation permanently on the same side, it is good to change the position of the baby inside the crib.

Tips to stimulate your baby

- It is advisable to use cradles and wooden beds, better than metal ones. To perform the stimulation exercises, it will help us to have wheels, so you can move from one room to another.
- To make you comfortable in the crib, try that the surface on which it lies down is flat and never have soft pillows or mattresses.
- Do not stack cushions to hold it or try to seat it. His little body is not yet ready.When his development allows him, he will adopt this position naturally. The position of the baby always has to be horizontal.
- Change it periodically from side to side and place it a few times on the back and other times on its side. You can also move the room cradle inside the room so that you can observe things from different angles and perspectives.
- From the fifth month, the baby can now play with the objects and grab them. The times that the baby is happy, put in the crib different toys, preferably soft rubber, bright colors, different textures and small, so you can manipulate them with their hands. It will coordinate sight, touch and movement, which are the basis for the formation of three-dimensional vision.

Patricia Palacios
Advisor: Mª Carmen García-Castellón, author of the book A whole world of sensations, Editorial Pirámide.

Video: Parenting Skills & Babies : How to Get a Baby to Sleep in the Crib

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