Government proposal to better understand the problems of childhood

What doubt is there that taking care of the younger generations is an investment for the future? In order to devote to the smallest of the country, the first step is to know their problems thoroughly. From the Government of Spain and for that reason they have launched an initiative with the purpose of getting to know thoroughly the problems of childhood and the situation of this sector of the population.

This is what the head of the High Commissioner for the Fight against Child Poverty, María Luisa Carcedo, said during her speech at the Committee on the Rights of Children and Adolescents of the Congress of Deputies. Which is the method chosen for this purpose? Include in the population surveys prepared by the National Institute of Statistics, INE, a section dedicated to children.

Childhood Legislature

The purpose of this measure is to ensure that the current Government becomes the "childhood legislature". For this purpose, the case of U.S, a country that collects information on the younger generations, especially those sectors at risk of exclusion and that may be left behind, predicting a hopeless future.

"The main skills, competencies and personal qualities that define our abilities as adults to function as Humans have been shaped and nurtured in the period of childhood, "explained Carcedo during his speech, in this way, the creation of" specific modules "in the surveys of the National Institute of

Statistics will allow for first-hand information about children to be able to create concrete policies. "We also intend to develop new instruments to gather empirical evidence that allows us to evaluate the measures put in place in different phases of their deployment and their final impact in the form of indicators of well-being of the populations to which these initiatives are destined ", concluded Carcedo.

The importance of childhood

Not only does the present Government bear in mind the importance of childhood for the future of society. Organizations like Unicef They also remember the value that should be granted to this population group. "Investing financial resources to help them fully realize their potential is, above all, a moral imperative, but investing in children is also important from a practical point of view, as it is beneficial for economies and societies."

"The first bulwark of child protection must be the family. Plan of Action of the World Summit, so that their personality develops fully and harmoniously, children should grow up in a family atmosphere and in an atmosphere of joy, love and understanding ", explains UNICEF.

All the institutions of society must respect the efforts what parents and others do to care for and care for children in a family environment, and give their support to those efforts. The Convention on the Rights of the Child includes similar provisions.

Damián Montero

Video: Children's mental health services: government "failing a generation" - 5 News

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