This is what a child learns with the use of the computer

When talking about new technologies, sometimes we only appreciate the negative aspects of these, without stopping to value everything that is positive. Our children are growing in the communication society and we must take advantage of the possibilities offered by the electronic devices.

As parents of the 21st century, in contact with digital media, we have the great opportunity to offer our children a means of personal development and a great opportunity to share time with them.

My parents are the ones who know the most

From small children, parents should accompany the children in the great adventure of knowing the use of the computer and the possibilities that the Internet offers. As for them we are the reference in multiple aspects of life (order, work, reading, sports, joy, effort, etc.), in this field we can not leave the wasteland.

The key to introduce new technologies in the field of education is that our children, since they have use of reason, see us as great connoisseurs of computer science, with which, they will grow with the idea that their parents are experts and it will not be so easy to deceive them in the future. If your child grows up thinking that their parents have no idea of ​​computers, when preadolescence arrives they will see it as a free field, where their parents will not be able to mediate "because they are ignorant".

What does my son learn with the use of the computer?

1. Make self-learning more and more autonomous and self-correct your mistakes through tasks that are little by little more complex.
2. Autonomous activities increase control and the responsibility when deciding the tasks that will be carried out at each moment.
3. Develop fine motor skills. Works with two and three dimensions, moves between the mouse and the screen, between opposing planes without difficulty and without the need for help.
4. Acquires a high understanding of the iconographic and visual language, which will be a great preparation for the reading and writing process.
5. When painting, the objects are perfect, You can print them and then save, crop, or touch up by hand. This result increases the confidence in himself and in his works, therefore, in his self-esteem.
6. They develop learnings related to non-linear activities, that allow them to move from one idea to another, change, try again, think differently, create, communicate, etc.

Development of skills with the use of the computer

In this stage, the use of the computer brings more benefits than harm to the child, since it favors the development of a multitude of skills. Experts claim that improves oculo-manual coordination, hearing, fine psychomotility, concentration, mental agility, attention capacity or relational capacity, among others. And, if they work with educational programs, they will also foster intellectual skills.

The fine motor skills are worked by the simple fact of driving a mouse across the screen and locate a very small point and click on that point. There are very good applications in the market that help to work lateral coordination, right-left laterality, up-down.

There are very suitable educational games that help the child's concentration. Also, for mechanical learning is very useful because the program does not scream, or get angry and has all the patience of the world although the child is wrong a hundred times in the same word.

Marisol Nuevo Espín
Advice: María Zalbidea, author of the blog Sewing the digital divide

Video: Computer Part Names And Uses For Kids And Children To Learn - Teddy And Timmy Poems For Kids

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