Learn to motivate yourself

Motivation is the energy that moves us to action. Learn to motivate it consists of being able to direct our motivation toward our goals, even though they may involve an effort and are not free of difficulties.

And is that motivation is the basic component that moves human behavior, we are always motivated to something, but sometimes our motivation is not directed to the achievement of our goals.

Motivation: the engine of our objectives

Motivation is an essential component of human behavior, it is what moves our energy in one direction or another. All the actions that we carry out have a motive, and the energy in which the motive materializes is what we know as motivation. Saying that someone is not motivated is an error, we always do things for some reason, the right thing to do is to consider that the reason is not the right one to achieve our goals.

For example: when instead of studying, we start watching TV, our motivation goes to the TV program, this happens because it is more interesting, because it costs less effort and because we see the goal as something very far away.

It is very important to learn to motivate ourselves and be able to direct our motivation towards the achievement of our goals.

The motivation and the achievement of our goals

When we set goals, we know that the way to achieve them can be complicated. On many occasions to travel this road we need effort and discipline, and it is easy to get out of the way or get distracted. The motivation would be the magical ingredient that drives us towards our goals, it would be the force that makes us be tenacious for its attainment.

Learning to motivate is key. Those who achieve success and achieve their goals, are not smarter, nor have better capabilities, but they have been able to motivate themselves towards their goals.

We can all learn to be motivated

5 keys that can help us motivate us.

1. Define the goal and visualize the reason. The first step is to define our goals, sometimes we may not have them very clear and this may cause our motivation to fade little by little. When we define the goal we have to visualize the reason why we want to achieve that goal, since the reasons are going to settle and motivation grow. The great personal reasons are what motivates us the most. But sometimes we focus on the goal and forget the reason, then the goal of the original reason can be removed. So when defining the goal, we have to visualize the reason, why we want to achieve that goal.

2. Visualize the future and dream. The future and the possibility of achieving our dreams will become a source of inspiration and motivation. It is not about forgetting the present, but about being clear about our future after the achievement of goals.

3. Divide your goal to make it possible to achieve objectives. The big goals are usually long-term goals. Long-term results can cause demotivation, so we must seek to nurture our motivation and gradually achieve goals that lead us to the goal. If we divide the goal into affordable objectives in a short / medium term, it will be easier to motivate us to achieve it. As we meet the objectives that will be like stops along the way, our perception of self-competence increases and our motivation becomes more solid. We see ourselves closer to the goal and we feel capable of achieving it.

4. Learn from mistakes and failures. It is important to know that along the way we are going to make mistakes. They are a natural part of the process and should not
discourage us We must change our vision of failure and use it as a source of motivation. What have I done wrong? what can I do now?

5. Control your emotions. Another fundamental aspect is to know your own emotions and learn to master them. Sometimes, especially when the goal is difficult, negative emotions may appear, such as fear, frustration, disappointment, discouragement, etc. It is normal, it is important that you analyze your emotions, recognize them and accept them in order to continue. In this way, little by little, you will be able to get rid of them and move forward, in this way the negative emotions will give way to the passion that ignites the motivation.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz. Clinical health psychologist. Specialist in pedagogy and child and youth psychology. Director of Educa and Learn. Author of the collection Stimulate Reading and Writing Processes.

Video: How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge

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