The mental health of the university student, how to take care of it

When we refer to the college, we talk about higher education. One of the most demanding levels of the entire education system that prepares young people for a profession that requires scientific and technical knowledge. In short, a workload that can cause the student to be overwhelmed by the circumstances, causing his mental health to suffer.

Although the responsibilities of this level of education should not be ignored, the mental health of the student should be taken into account. Maintain a balance between commitments and relaxation. Therefore, from the American Academy of Pediatrics a series of tips are given so that the students of the college do not be overwhelmed by the circumstances.

Do not forget social life

The human being is Social For nature. But studies can isolate college students from their friends by making them cloistered in their desks surrounded by books. But you have to try to devote a short time to such simple activities as taking a coffee, eating together or going to the library in your company to take advantage of breaks and strengthen this component.

Loneliness is a very bad feeling for the student that only adds another problem to the life of this student. In addition, a friendship will also accompany the young person in the worst moments, where he will be overwhelmed and in need of encouragement. Something especially recommended for those who reside in other cities and do not have anyone nearby to tell their problems.

Accept the change

Starting the university is a change, especially for those who move from the city: a new residence, new people, new rules of the game, another education system. Alterations They are also in the previous address when visiting the parents. This feeling of morriña can alter the young person in his day to day and make that phrase in his studies.

Here are some tips to solve this situation:

- Talk with other friends about this. It is very likely that they feel the same and that together they find the solution

- Maintain contact with relatives and friends from the place of origin to see that they have not been lost, but beware, you have to make sure to establish new relationships in the university.

Days of sadness

There will be days when the student will feel sad or discouraged, especially when the pressures of the university increase: job deliveries, final exams, etc. Do not let yourself be overwhelmed by these moments, in these situations you have to take time and do something to distract yourself from something that makes you feel good: have a coffee with friends, do some exercise, read a good book, etc.

But more serious is that sometimes sadness can turn into depression. A serious illness that requires rapid treatment. For this it is very important to take care of the possible symptom:

- Sad mood.

- Feelings of hopelessness, impotence, uselessness or guilt.

- Loss of taste for things you generally enjoy.

- Problems to sleep.

- Problems to eat.

- Little energy, extreme tiredness, lack of concentration.

- Physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomachaches or body pains that do not respond to treatment.

Damián Montero

Video: Is being a student good for your mental health?

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