First-time mothers, what to do to avoid overwhelm

Pregnant? !! Congratulations!! A road full of illusions opens up in which you will create a bond with your son that will be stronger than you can imagine. However, it is inevitable that numerous Doubts. "Will I be a good mother? Will I have strength for the most difficult times? And if I am not able to give everything I need to the child?"

Questions that appear more frequently in the minds of first-time mothers, who face the challenge of motherhood for the first time. But you have to trust that everything will turn out well and with great responsibility and offering love, the result will always be positive. To prevent this stress, the therapist Karen Kleiman, Baby Center offers several tips to not get carried away by these doubts.

Importance of rest

The first adviser that Kleiman offers is the break. The mother should try to follow the sleep recommendations, since the lack of this will make everything seem even more difficult. Once the baby is born and he does not allow to sleep at night, try to recover during the day while the child takes a nap and another person watches.

Even if the mother does not manage to fall asleep, the simple act of closing her eyes and breathing deeply will help relax. At this time it is not recommended to receive visitors. Rest is essential for any person, and it is the natural way that every organism has to recover and keep running at full speed. Something indispensable for the mother.

You also have to remember the food. Foods with high caloric value and fats should be avoided, which can cause very rapid changes in the level of sugar in the blood, increasing the anxiety and cause a slump after the first satisfaction effect. Other products such as caffeine are a stimulant that can cause anxiety and interfere with sleep patterns.

Do not forget about you

The stability of the child is a mission of the mother. But the woman must also remember that if she is forced to the extreme it is possible that she ends up affecting the care of her baby. To take care of yourself nothing better than exercise, a good option is to walk 20 to 30 minutes, two or three days a week. Try to walk or go up and down stairs whenever possible.

You also have to prepare for the unforeseen. We must assimilate the fact that there will be days when the baby will act in a way that makes the mother feel overwhelmed, and days when it seems that nothing has been done but to feed and carry the baby. In others, the child will get sick and it will look bad. But acting with responsibility and immediacy, everything will end up happening.

Damián Montero

Video: Feeling overwhelmed

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