Gender violence in social networks, a silent danger

New technologies and the internet allow us to immerse ourselves in a world where communication is in real time and can be done in multiple ways. Not only through calls, but it is also allowed to share photos and establish a kind of place to talk on social networks. But unlike in real life, the digital world favors a person who wants to stay in the anonymity I can do it.

Many people take advantage of the advantage that anonymity gives them to commit some illicit activities. Also, fear of what they will say and report These cases, for fear of reprisals, increase the possibility that these crimes are forgotten by Justice. For this reason, in many cases the victims of gender violence they get caught in these social networks without knowing very well how to proceed.

Never lose privacy

As seen from the Observatory against Domestic and Gender Violence, gender violence in social networks is different from that presented in the real world. On the internet there is no physical aggression, although activities such as sexting or harassment are present. For this reason, people are warned to keep an eye on their privacy.

The first step is to think about the scope that an intimate photo shared with someone can have. It must be borne in mind that in giving this image, the situation may become adverse. With this material the other person has the possibility of doing blackmail and take advantage of the fear that can be generated in the victim that someone could see this content. The worst of these situations is that everything remains in the air, who are involved in this situation do not go to anyone and therefore there is no complaint.

Privacy must also be taken into account when deciding who can or who can not access the profile on social networks. At the time of finishing a relationship, the ex-partner can begin to harass from these platforms and, in case of knowing the password, even be able to start making publications without their consent. For this reason it is also very important not to provide this personal information to anyone.

Internet ignorance

As much as it has advanced technologically, usually people have little knowledge about what they really have in their hands. When a person sends an intimate photo does not stop to think that who receives it can send it to other people and so until a large number of people have this image in their hands. Always have to think about the possible connections that these terminals have and where this material can end.

You should also think about the possibilities of Privacy. Just as in real life a stranger is not allowed to enter the house, on the internet it is essential to close the door to strangers and avoid by all possible means accessing information: address, telephone number or photographs. The more this material is restricted, the better.

Once you notice any of these dangers It is important to ask for help and report the case to the authorities. Shutting down will only make the problems worse and never find a solution. In the case of adolescents, parents have to let them know that they will always find support and understanding in them, as well as worry about their situation and explain that if they are suffering a case of gender violence, they have to let them know and not are alone.

Damián Montero

Video: Abused in Silence - Domestic Violence | Full Documentary - HD

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