13 keys to be happy, according to Harvard

Happiness is the goal that everyone wants to reach. The life of man is a continuous search for that happiness. Sometimes, this journey is not easy and is full of obstacles and obstacles that prevent progress. However, it is important not to get stuck, move forward and overcome those impediments. Now, a professor at Harvard University has discovered what are the keys to lead a happy life.

So, what really makes a person happy and what are the keys that lead to happiness? Tal Ben-Shahar, professor of positive psychology at Harvard University and responsible for teaching one of the most popular courses at this prestigious institution: "Greater happiness", which attracts more than 1,000 students each semester has summarized in 13 keys the secret of happiness.

This professor defends that joy can be learned, in the same way that one practices a sport, with effort and perseverance, because according to Tal Ben-Shahar, author of the 13 keys to be happy, "the key to happiness lies in accepting life as it is since this will make you lose your fear of failure and try to reach too perfectionist expectations."

13 keys to be happy according to a Harvard professor

Professor Tal Ben-Shahar proposes 13 simple tips that facilitate and help achieve greater happiness on a day-to-day basis:

1. Practice some exercise regularly
Practicing 30 minutes a day of sports is the best medicine to fight against sadness and stress. Experts say that exercising has the same effectiveness and is just as good as taking an antidepressant.

2. Start the day with a good breakfast
Lack of time or fear of gaining weight are two of the reasons that lead many people to skip breakfast. However, there are studies that show that having a good breakfast helps to have energy, think and perform successfully all day-to-day activities.

3. Give thanks to life for all the good that happens to you
Write on a paper 10 things that are in your life and that give you happiness. Making a gratitude list forces us to focus our attention on good things.

4. Be an assertive person
Ask what you want and say what you think. It is proven that being an assertive person contributes to improving your self-esteem. Silence what you think and hold in silence everything they say or do causes sadness.

5. Invest your money in experiences not in things
A study showed that 75% of people felt happier when they used their money in trips, courses and classes. Only 34% said they were happier when they bought things.

6. Assume your own challenges
Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today. There are studies that show that the more you postpone something that you know you have to do, you get more tension and anxiety. Make a weekly list of tasks to accomplish and perform them.

7. Paste pictures, phrases and beautiful memories of your loved ones everywhere
Fill your fridge, your computer, your desk, your room, your life, in general, of beautiful memories.

8. Greet and be nice to other people
More than one hundred researchers testify that only smiling changes mood.

9. Wear shoes that do not hurt
If your feet hurt, it is much easier to be in a bad mood, says Dr. Keinth Wapner, President of the American Orthopedic Association. Hence the importance of wearing comfortable shoes.

10. Take care of the posture
Walking straight and straight, with the shoulders slightly back and the front view helps to achieve and maintain a good mood.

11. Listen to music
It is proven that listening to music boosts and revives the desire to sing and dance, so you will surely enjoy your day.

12. Eat well
What you eat has an important effect on how you feel and on the mood

13. Arrange and feel attractive
41% of people say they feel happier when they think it looks good.

María Redondo

It may interest you:

- Fatherhood as a source of happiness

- 10 keys to being a happy mother

Video: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness | Robert Waldinger

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