How to fall asleep on the night of the Three Wise Men

The Three Wise Men arrive, one of the moments of great illusion for the youngest of the house. Already from the days before the holidays, the magic of Christmas, along with a mixture of nerves and illusion for the arrival of the Magi, begins to permeate the homes and the conscience of children. For this reason, fall asleep on the night of the Three Wise Men It is very complicated for children.

The letter to the Magi, the placement of the Portal of Bethlehem, the Christmas tree, Christmas decorations, school festivals, street lighting, etc ... is part of the magic of Christmas and all this environment goes generating in the smallest endless emotions that, sometimes, are not able to manage or control.

Although parents can organize great activities to distract children, there is an inevitable high point in the level of nervousness of children. The approach of a new situation, the arrival of people who do not know at home and at night, as is the case of wise men, which generates a great illusion, but also uncertainty, and for this reason, fall asleep on the night of the Three Wise Men It can be impossible in many houses.

The excitement of the children before the arrival of the Magi

"The excitement is such that children are slow to fall asleep on either day," says Dr. Milagros Hijosa, head of the Sleep Unit at the Hospital La Milagrosa in Madrid, which is damaging her restful sleep due to the frenzy of activities that take place. they generate around these days, ending up exhausted and being able to affect their health.

Looking to the Night of Three Kings It is important to manage all this nervousness, to know how you can help children at home, in their immediate environment and with their loved ones.

How to know if the child is suffering from anxiety

To know if the child is suffering from anxiety there are a series of symptoms that provide parents with clear indications that the child is being overtaken by events:

- Problems sleeping
- Changes in appetite (eat little or profusely ...)
- Diarrhea
- Increase or decrease in physical activity
- Fatigue or fatigue
- Apathy, passivity
- Irritability
- Sadness ...

How to help the child fall asleep on the night of the Three Wise Men

From the Sleep Unit of the Hospital La Milagrosa in Madrid, Dr. Milagros Hijosa recommends 5 practical tips to help you fall asleep in the magic night:

1. Even if it is a non-school day for children, it is convenient that the eve of Kings do not get up late.

2. Avoid napping is highly recommended. Replace it with an alternative plan: cinema evening, special snack, kings parade.

3. Do not dine late, At least two hours before bedtime.

4. After leaving everything ready to receive the Magi (shoes, milk and cookies ..) It is convenient that they have a quiet time, before going to sleep. A Christmas bedtime story can help you relax so you can fall asleep easily.

5. Accept with good humor the early morning of the day of Kings, the emotion of discovering the gifts is too intense to fight against it ... To think that the next night will be like any other.

Dr. Milagros Hijosa.Sleep Unit, La Milagrosa Hospital in Madrid

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