Emotions in pregnancy

During pregnancy, your emotions, your worries and joys directly influence the baby through the hormones that you secrete. The stress experienced by expectant mothers in pregnancy is very harmful and is one of the causes of premature birth. On the contrary, emotions in pregnancy that are pleasant cause very beneficial effects on your baby.

Stress and anguish in pregnancy

It is scientifically proven that the baby inside feels when you are happy, happy and also when you are sad and worried. How smart they are! But why do they feel it?

When you are bad, distressed, stressed, your body produces hormones called catecholamines to cope with that situation. These hormones cross the placental barrier and flood the baby, and that's how you feel those emotions. The stress experienced by mothers is very harmful to the baby and is one of the causes of premature birth.

The benefits of joy and relaxation in pregnancy

On the contrary, when you feel good, happy, happy, satisfied and positive, your brain releases other hormones called endorphins, also called happiness hormones and these reach the baby through the placenta. But of course, you will think: "I can not be happy all day, because I have problems, sometimes certain unexpected things happen that I do not control, that is, there are many difficult situations in life".

It is clear that this is going to happen, but it is important that you communicate it, talk to him, tell him what happens to you. Many of you may think it's silly and you'll think it's like talking to yourself. But it is not true. You are creating the link of communication with your child.

Intuition and imagination in pregnancy

Interestingly, during gestation two very important faculties are strengthened, which we hardly give importance: intuition and imagination.

We are getting to know our son through a series of data that he transmits to us and we intuit. Intuition will help us communicate very deeply with our baby, and to develop it, an important condition will be silence and inner peace.

Regarding the imagination, we know very well the effects of how negative images influence us. The same feeling has the baby before birth. Therefore, it is very important to create positive images as these create a very beneficial lines of force for our future children. Imagination is an extraordinary faculty available to all of us.

Positive thoughts and images are like a protective shield against any negativity.

The role of the father

Do not forget the great importance and vital role of the father as a partner of the woman when she is pregnant. Their support is essential and even if they do not carry the baby in their body, they do carry it in their heart and in their thoughts.

For that reason, the caresses in his wife's gut, accompanying her when the ultrasounds are done, creating a positive environment around her, will provide greater happiness both to the mother, her son and of course, to him too.

Tips to promote emotions in pregnancy

- If you have an artistic hobby, it may be a good time to put it into practice.
- For dads: you must avoid subjecting the mother to excessive stress.
- The contact with nature will give you a lot of psychic energy and help you to awaken the intuition and the highest feelings to project them in your child.

Marisol Nuevo Espín

Video: Depression During Pregnancy & How To Deal

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