Learn to speak in public

Who does not get nervous when he has to speak in public? Of course, it is not a comfortable situation and before the attention of others, we panic to make a fool of ourselves, not knowing what to say or to betrayed by words. However, expressing ourselves in front of others in a correct way is within everyone's reach and with a little effort, we can achieve it.

When it comes to learning to speak in public, people worry about getting stuck, going blank, making a fool of themselves, not knowing what to do with their hands, etc.

To overcome this fear, there are a few simple steps to follow to learn to speak in public, and what seemed like a bad time becomes something satisfying and even fun.

Basics for public speaking

- How to start and how to finish, as well as adjusting to the time given to us.

- Be direct with what we want to transmit. If we go by the ways or we want to tell all the details, we can lengthen ourselves in excess and bore the audience. Therefore, we must specify what we want to say and transmit when speaking in public.

- Provide a small dose of interpretation to be convincing and capture the attention of the audience. We have to define how we want to convey the message.

Preparations for public speaking

Gathering the necessary material for the presentation is an essential activity and you have to start doing it as soon as possible. Obtaining information about the topic that we are going to discuss is not complicated, since we have abundant sources of documentation at our disposal, in addition to the material available to us. The difficulty is to organize the information, as well as to distinguish what is dispensable from the information that really has value for the public. On the other hand, informing you thoroughly is very important not only in preparation of the topic, but also in order to answer the questions that our audience may ask.
Next, it's up to structure the contents. A simple and clear structure is the best way to avoid the public getting lost trying to understand what we say.

Key points to develop a speech

- The introduction. You have to try to start on the right foot and in an interesting way to capture the attention of the public from the beginning.
- The logical argument. It is necessary for the listeners to perfectly understand the subject of which they are speaking.
- The conclusion or small final summary. A great help for the public.

Nerves before speaking in public

Nerves are the worst enemy faced by almost all inexperienced speakers. They are difficult to "cure", but we can overcome them little by little.

Being nervous is something completely normal and happens to all the people who have to appear before a hearing. However, the nerves have a great advantage: they help us to give the best of ourselves, which makes us want to succeed and make an impeccable speech.

On the other hand, when it comes to learning to speak in public, we must control the way of speaking so as not to get stuck, which can cause us more nervousness. For it:

- Try not to talk in a hurry. If you speak quickly, the audience will notice that you are nervous. Try speaking with the same normality as when you are with trusted people.
- Do not be afraid to stay for a moment in silence. You are not obliged to speak with jets and without truce. If you need to stop to get well on the subject, do not hesitate to do so.
- You do not have to say things with maximum semantic perfection either. If you get stuck with a phrase that can be very twisted, try to express it as simply as possible.

Teresa Pereda

Video: 5 Tips To Improve Your Public Speaking - How To Speak Professionally - Speech Speaker Tips

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