A diet with a high content of fruits and vegetables, the key to quitting smoking

If you are trying to quit smoking perhaps you should consider consuming more fruits and vegetables. According to a study from the University of Buffalo published this week, this could help you stop the habit, tripling the chances of quitting tobacco permanently.

The research, published in the magazine Nicotine and Tobacco Research, It reproduces the results of a survey conducted among 1,000 American smokers over 25 years of age, in a period of fourteen months. "Other studies had asked smokers and nonsmokers about the diet they followed," he explains. Gary A. Giovino, principal author of the study.

"We knew from previous work that people who had been smoking more than six months consumed more fruits and vegetables than people who continued to smoke, but we did not know if quitting increased the consumption of fruits and vegetables or it was these that they made it easier to leave it. "

The University of Buffalo study has found that smokers who consume more vegetables and fruits are three times more likely to quit than those who barely take them. Statistically, no other variable has influenced such as age, gender, race, education, or income of smokers and former smokers.

The researchers also point out that smokers who eat more fruits and vegetables consume fewer cigarettes a day, take longer to light the first cigarette of the day and have a lower score on the nicotine dependence test.

Read more: The Confidential

Video: Top 10 Foods That Flush Nicotine Out Of The Body 2018

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