Dysthymia, when depression becomes chronic

The depression It is one of the disorders that most affect the home. Plunging into this state of sadness and melancholy is a blow to any family, but unfortunately this disease is currently one of the most common in the world and since the WHO stands out as one of the most widespread disabilities in the world . In some cases after a time of therapy and support among all ends up happening.

In others, it gets worse and ends up becoming chronic. A situation that is known as dysthymia, that is, the depression that becomes permanent and that alters the state of the home in a notorious way. A typology that although may manifest less serious symptoms, its prolongation in time makes it a serious situation for everyone who crosses it.

Definition of dysthymia

From the Mayo Clinic dysthymia is defined as "persistent depressive disorder, a form of continuous and long-term depression". This entity indicates as the most common symptoms of it the loss of interest in the normal activities of life, feeling of hopelessness, low productivity and motivation to meet obligations and a very low self-esteem.

Sudden tiredness and fatigue are also related to dysthymia, as well as a irritability constant that can end up creating a gap between the members of a household. This is another characteristic of this disorder, the gradual isolation of the person who suffers from this chronic depression and his emotional distance from the members of his own family.

As explained from Distimia.orgAlthough the symptoms are less severe and aggressive than in other types of depression, its prolongation over time can have serious consequences for both the person and their circle:

- Reduction of the quality of life, the constant sadness makes the person neglect other aspects such as leisure or their own health.

- Major depression, feeling of increased sadness and worsening of symptoms.

- Tendency to abuse alcohol and other substances, something that becomes very dangerous in the case of adolescents.

- Difficulties in relationships. The emotional distancing leads to family conflicts and a tendency to progressive social isolation.

- Problems at work or school that can translate into the loss of employment or the repetition of the course in the case of students.

Diagnosis and treatment

If any of these has been appreciated symptom In the person, it will be important to go to the specialist to perform an examination of the patient and determine if it is indeed a case of dysthymia or it is a feeling of passing sadness as a result of daily stress. In this case the psychologist will ask about the situation, about how they started and their aggressiveness.

In the same way, also will be interviewed with the family to determine how this situation affects their daily lives and if there have been similar problems in the past or family history. From Distimia.org it is explained that this disorder has a hereditary character in some cases so it is necessary to pay special attention in these cases. Once the diagnosis is obtained, the treatment will begin.

The most common is the initiation of a therapy with psychologist where the experiences of the person will be shared and their life will be talked about. The objective is to find the cause of dysthymia and initiate a treatment against it. In other situations, the specialist may recommend the use of drugs:

- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, more common and with less serious side effects.

- Less used monoamine oxidase inhibitors due to their serious side effects

- Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

- Tricyclic antidepressants.

Prevention of dysthymia

The best treatment of dysthymia is its prevention, something that even though it is not possible, it can be done when there is a case of risk:

- Environment. An environment of constant stress can plunge the person into this situation and cause these symptoms to appear.

- Violent events. Loss of a loved one, dismissal from work, bullying.

- Family history of dysthymia, or any other form of depression.

In these cases, the prevention of dysthymia involves:

- Stress control and relaxation techniques practices.

- Early detection of possible school bullying.

- Creation of a family support environment where everyone feels that they have someone next to them to help them.

- Routine exercise practice.

Damián Montero

Video: Major Depressive Disorder | Clinical Presentation

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