Bits on teeth in children, what to do

The children's learning process carries with it, on many occasions, that many hits. Although this is natural, it is also true that parents worry, especially when they are small and still do not have the reflex of "protecting" themselves with their hands, which makes blows on the teeth be habitual.

As they explain from the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, around the first year of life is when the baby goes from crawling to walking, and it is the moment when Falls are more common and, with them, the blows in the incisors.

Likewise, when they are larger, the blows are also common. After six years, children play more active sports and with less supervision of adults, so they also tend to fall relatively normally, with the consequent blow to the teeth that usually carry hauled.

What do I do if my child hits his teeth, but does not drop any?

The first thing is reassure us to ourselves and the little one to be able to assess the scope of the situation: we have to look if our child moves some tooth or is missing some piece of one: we will only have to go to the dentist if his teeth move or if he does not bite as before.

In the case where we appreciate that our child is missing a piece of tooth, we should look for the fragment and, if it is large, keep it from getting dehydrated and go to the dentist: If the fallen piece is small, the dentist will polish the tooth, but if it is large, it can be glued with special adhesives.

What if a tooth falls in the fall?

In this case, as in the previous one, we must remain calm. Necessary find the tooth and store it well: in milk or saline, but it can also be in saliva if we do not have access to milk or serum. Once we have it, the first thing is to go to the dentist soon and not touch the tooth (neither rub it nor scrape the root).

This is because the dentist can reimplant the tooth. Of course, in the case of baby teeth it does not happen the same: the dentist does not reinsert it because it could damage the germ of the permanent tooth that is "growing" inside the jaw.

Knocks on the tooth and loss of consciousness

As pediatricians also remember, If the child loses consciousness, has a headache or has become disoriented after the stroke, it is best to take him to the nearest health center. It is also necessary to act like this if facial deformations are observed, as they could be indicating other fractures that we do not see.

On the other hand, experts explain that many times dental trauma of babies they go unnoticed until the parents detect changes in tooth coloring. When this happens, the important thing is to go to child dentist to assess what treatment should be followed.

Angela R. Bonachera

Video: Brushing Your Child's Teeth - Boys Town Pediatrics

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