Answers to difficult questions from children about their body

All children, in their process of learning and growth, go through the so-called "age of the why". That moment in which they do not stop asking the why of things, and sometimes they put us in a bind by not knowing very well what to answer. This happens, above all, in some More difficult questions about your body, so here we have made a small selection of common questions, and their answers.

It is best to try always answer your questions, and that, if we do not know the answer, we show interest in finding it. In this way, in addition to learning and satisfying your curiosity, we will also be encouraging you, as we will not detract from your questions.

Why do I have snot?

Especially when they catch a cold, this is a very typical question for children. Here we can explain to you that the snot They are produced by special cells of our nose to help us to be healthy. This substance, together with the hairs inside the nose, makes "trap" of dust and the germs that try to get into our body through the nose, so it is very important. In addition, the mucus keeps our skin lubricated so that it does not dry out and get irritated when breathing.

Snot also helps to expel the bacteria from our body, so that's why when we catch a cold we run more: to throw them out.

What is the navel?

"Mom, why do I have a hole in my belly?" He asks, as tender as sweet of young children, the explanation may be this: The navel is actually a scar that is created in the belly and that recalls the umbilical cord that unites the babies before being born with their mother while she is inside the belly. Thus, when the doctors are born, they cut the cord, and that is why the navel is created.

What is a birthmark?

Some children have birthmarks or see other partners with them, which can generate doubts. Here is the answer for your little ones: birthmarks are spots that are created on the skin just before the baby is born or shortly after. All birthmarks are caused by having more color in that area of ​​the skin. There are different types: some disappear after a few months, others take years and others will accompany the baby until he is an adult.

Why does dad have hair on his chest?

Another question that most doubts generate our children is that their parents are so "hairy", especially in the chest and back. Here you can explain to them that many many years agoThe body hair served to keep the body warm of people, and that this little by little has been disappearing. Thus, we can also tell you an extra curiosity: those whose ancestors come from the north have more body hair than those who come from warm places.

Why do the teeth fall?

Despite the fact that the Ratoncito Pérez delights them, the truth is that losing a tooth is also something that surprises the little ones. You have to explain to them that the teeth that are born first are the "milk teeth", and that around six years old they fall to leave space in the mouth to bigger teeth to get older.

An interesting fact: they always fall in the same order. Thus, the first to fall will be the top front and then the two below, to continue through the lateral incisors, molars and canines.

Why do some people wear glasses?

The eyes inside must be totally round, but there are people who do not have them that way and that's why they do not look good. So, you can tell your son that the glasses help them to improve these vision problems and be able to see clearly. In addition, older people tend to wear glasses more because as they get older they lose a bit of vision, which makes them look worse than when they were young.

Why are there people with darker skin than others?

In cities or environments where there is more cultural variety, children will soon notice that there are people with different skin tones. The explanation is simple: the color of people's skin is determined by the amount of pigment (melanin) they have. A) Yes, in sunny places people are darker because they have more melanin, that protects them so they do not burn with the sun.

Angela R, Bonachera

Video: Hard Questions For a Mother to Answer | {THE AND} Angelina & Melitza

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