
They blame the repetition of early school leaving

They blame the repetition of early school leaving

Exams, school work, and many other tests serve to measure academic performance. In case of obtaining the pass, the student continues with his itinerary, if the opposite happens, the student is...

When your children's grades are not as expected

When your children's grades are not as expected

Each year on these dates, when the school year ends, students receive their grades. It is a time when family conflicts can arise when the grades are not good or the child's academic progress does...

Multiple intelligences, a new way of educating

Multiple intelligences, a new way of educating

Who has not heard the phrase or tagline of ... "children of today"? It is very common to hear it in colloquial conversations mainly linked to the formation of the youngest ones, since it can be...

Self-control and emotional intelligence, child thing?

Self-control and emotional intelligence, child thing?

Emotional regulation is a faculty that we can teach our children from three years, to grow up as healthy and happy adults. The self-control of emotions can be trained through positive strategies such...

6 tips to make children responsible

6 tips to make children responsible

Educate in responsibility Children involve letting them make decisions, but it is essential that they are appropriate to their age and degree of emotional maturity. It is convenient to start by...

Educate in empathy to fight against bullying

Educate in empathy to fight against bullying

Bullying has become a point to address in the field of education. Ending these practices is a matter for teachers, parents and their peers. Many are the tools proposed to reduce the rates registered...

Great in responsibility, small in stature

Great in responsibility, small in stature

Being responsible is the ability to decide appropriately and effectively. And if we take this to the level of family education, it is convenient for children to begin to make decisions and face...