How to give responsibility to the wrong student

When children have poor grades, it is important to find out why, since a child before the age of ten should be willing to learn. Therefore, it is convenient, first of all, toNote that you do not have sensory, sight and hearing problems. And analyze, with the help of the educational psychologist or school psychologist, does not present problems to process the information: perceptual problems, attention problems, difficulties to memorize ...

After examining the possible difficulties of learning from children, as long as we have ruled out sensory or learning problems, reinforcing their behavior and their sense of responsibility towards their own results in school is fundamental. Therefore, it is very advisable that parents do not assume the role of doing homework to their children, or to help them do their homework because in this way, we do them no favors in the long run.

It is important that children learn to be responsible themselves. Parents can supervise their time of study and homework, being close, but not over them. So little by little, children will get used to recognizing the responsibility of their studies as theirs and will study for themselves, not to please their parents.

Ideas to give responsibility to bad students

This is how parents can help their children to study well:

- Observing how your child studies: how much time you spend, if you study every day, if you take too many breaks, if you follow a schedule, if you have some method *

- Conversing with the son about the way he studies, helping him to organize.

- Conversing with the tutor, He knows our son and can help us and guide us on how to help him in the studies.

- Being available: trying to be at home during the hours after school, helping them to review or memorize.

- Guiding them about possible defects in the way of studying, such as repeating without understanding, not using the dictionary when they do not understand a word *

- Reviewing your school agenda and teaching him how to use it well.

- Facilitating a favorable family atmosphere for the study: a place of study, time to study, a quiet environment without noise ...

- Valuing more effort than the results and demanding each son according to his abilities, without making comparisons between the brothers.

- Highlighting your achievements and encouraging him in the face of difficulties.

- Collaborating with the school: going to the training sessions for parents, supporting the teachers and visiting the tutor frequently.

With certain frequency the difficulties to learn of the children have relation with the bad operation of these processes. The early detection of these problems is important, since often, if they are not detected, they end up experiencing a high level of frustration, they realize that they are not like others, they verify that even if they try hard they do not get good results and often "throw in the towel" and stop trying and trying.

Teresa Artola González. Professor University Center Villanueva

Video: Student Rights & Responsibilities

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