Ideas to demand responsibility from children

Demand responsibility Children are a skill of parents that must be done with discipline and understanding. The problem arises when the parents have an ambivalent position: on the one hand they overprotect the children by solving all the problems and doing all things for them, and on the other they leave them exposed, without protection, and without being prepared for it, to the dangers of the environment: Internet, television, night time ...

For a child to have an adequate development, it is important that the positive consideration is unconditional: that parents and significant adults accept the child unconditionally, that they love and value him for himself and not for the good or bad that he does things. The positive consideration of parents often depends on the behavior and successes of the child.

Having an assignment at six years makes it possible for the fifteen to consider it logical to collaborate at home. If, on the other hand, we wait until it is older to demand it, when it reaches adolescence it will be much more difficult.

In the case of preadolescents, we will have to help them discover that true personality is demonstrated by knowing how to be responsible, knowing how to say no.

Demanding responsibilities for children according to their age

Between six and seven years, the child can take on many responsibilities. For example, at home: take out the trash, set the table, make your bed every day, pick up the bathroom after using it or take care of a pet. Also at school: write down assignments for the next day, take care of the material ...

After nine or ten years we can also teach you how to participate in family decisions, give an account of the money you are given, establish a study schedule and fulfill it *

With eleven or twelve years We can go informing them about family concerns and ask for their opinion on those things that affect everyone. We can help them learn to decide by giving them many opportunities to make decisions in the short, medium and long term.

Responsibilities, for which is it still early?

The requirement of responsibility must be consistent with age and must be progressive, so that, when adolescence arrives, there are very few things in which we should not give them responsibility. We should, as far as possible, avoid deciding for them or intervening excessively in their decisions. However, we must also be willing to exercise authority in those cases in which the decision taken can seriously harm them. As they grow up, parents must be able to "let loose", giving them greater autonomy and decision-making capacity. We must also teach them how to gain levels of freedom when they show that they are responsible.

But we will act according to the age of the child. As damaging as overprotection may be to charge the child with responsibilities that do not correspond to him. Also, when there is a child with a disability in the family, the brothers must be asked to cooperate, but without feeling left out or being forced beyond their means.

Dra. Teresa Artola González. Professor University Center Villanueva

Video: 5. Honor Your Father and Mother

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