How to turn children into responsible citizens

A good citizen it is not born, it is done. From the earliest ages, parents must ensure that their children learn to be important members of the society in which they will live in the future.

Transmit important values ​​and be good references for children will help these in the future are good citizens. A very important task that adults should make sure they comply.

Responsible citizens: values ​​to pass on to children

The first step to educating children and making them good citizens is to make sure they learn values ​​where consensus, understanding and peace are the predominant notes.

1. Solidarity Teaching the little ones that there is to help those who need it is very important. Picking up a friend who has fallen or sharing toys with friends can be good first steps. Not only the 'I' matters but also the 'we' and the 'you' matter. It is at home where they must learn that others matter and then move this idea to the community.

2. Commitment. Our children have to understand their good behavior as an attitude that must be permanent in time and that can not depend on what they want at any time.

3. Civics. Children must understand that it is up to them to continue as they are until now. The papers are thrown into the wastebasket and not on the floor, the street furniture is not broken and the voice is not raised in public since another person can be disturbed. These are some of the standards of citizenship for children.

4. Respect. Sometimes the child has to understand that not everyone thinks like him or shares their beliefs. The youngest must understand that the criterion should never be imposed, but reach a point in common and respect all people.

5. Responsibility. The smallest must accept that there are certain activities that they must perform for the proper functioning of society. They can not wait for others to do them for them.

6. Accept the rules. Laws are made to ensure the proper functioning of society and good citizens follow these rules.

7. Peace and nonviolence. To achieve the goals, it is always better to understand and not resort to violence. Given the discrepancy it is always better to talk and keep the peace.

8. Importance of the environment. Respect for the environment must be a value that every child must understand. The planet where you live must be taken care of. Actions as basic as turning off the lights when leaving a room will teach the little ones how to take care of the planet from home.


The responsibility of parents in civics

Parents should not stay in teaching these values. They have to serve as an example in all these values. In the street they must use the bins, in the car the speed limit must never be passed and all the rules must be met scrupulously to be a reference for their children.

At home all opinions must be taken in account, even those of the smallest. Consensus and understanding must be worked on at home every day and there must never be signs that things are achieved through violence. The elderly must use dialogue to solve problems.

Damián Montero

Video: A Good Citizen - Short Film

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