Harassment in social networks: a guide to survive

Most of us have a profile created in social networks, interact with others, send information, upload photos ... but do we take into account the risks of these behaviors? Do we know the damage that a case of harassment in social networks? Do we know how to survive cyberbullying? We have all heard some cases of abuse, harassment, mistreatment of other people, but what can we do?

New technologies are part of our lives, they have become an essential tool for personal development, we use mobile phones, tablets, computers ... at all times and in any circumstance, because these well-used tools can help us a lot. However, there are risks, the misuse of these technologies can have very negative repercussions on the life and development of people.

What is cyberbullying?

The verb harass refers to an action that implies insisting on a situation that is annoying for the person. Cyberbullying is using new technologies such as a computer or mobile phone to harass, embarrass, annoy, humiliate and cause harm to another person. In general, cyberbullying is not an isolated behavior, but it is usually accompanied by traditional harassment, that is, with direct contact, this may be the case of a teenager who is bullied at school and then at home receives a WhatAapp with insults or threats.

The CIBeracoso has many repercussions at the psychological level for those who suffer it, to be continuously receiving threatening messages, to know that the information spreads rapidly without being able to control it or eliminate it make it difficult to escape. All this ends up undermining the person who falls into a situation of helplessness and may end up suffering from depression, anxiety, stress, low self-esteem * which will affect their academic, work, family and social performance, creating an imbalance in personal well-being.

Characteristics of cyberbullying

Like any type of violence, cyberbullying has its own characteristics, knowing them can help us identify situations of harassment and help us to solve them.

1. Anonymity Social networks allow access to other people without the need for a real identification, the possibility of creating false profiles complicates knowing with certainty who the harassment comes from.

2. Handling. The stalkers intend to damage the reputation of the victim and for this they can publish false information about the victims as well as put more people against them and implicate third parties in the harassment.

3. Repetition. Attacks are not isolated incidents, but are repeated day after day indefinitely.

4. Involves aggressive behavior. It involves negative actions such as humiliating, threatening, insulting * that are not desired or provoked by the victim.

Harassment in social networks: a guide to survive

Suffering cyberbullying or any other type of harassment produces an imbalance of personal and emotional well-being in the person who suffers it. Below are some initiatives that we can put in place to reduce and end cyberbullying.

1. Ignore the first message, When we receive a threatening message for the first time we must not forward it or respond, simply block the contact.

2. Keep track of all calls, messages, emails ... that you have been receiving, will serve as proof that you are being harassed.

3. Never respond to provocations. Answering threats can be tempting but it will only serve to motivate those who are harassing us. Keep calm and do not act impulsively in any case.

4. Ask for help, report harassment and seek help from a relative that can help you to orient the subject, that helps you to look for solutions and put them in motion.

Rocío Navarro Psychologist Director of Psicolari, integral psychology


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